A Quote by Jeffrey R. Holland

We are infinitely more than our limitations and afflictions. — © Jeffrey R. Holland
We are infinitely more than our limitations and afflictions.
We relate all our afflictions more frequently than we do our pleasures.
Just as the sun is infinitely brighter than a candle flame, there is infinitely more intelligence in Being than in your mind
Our Heavenly Father is far more merciful, infinitely more charitable, than even the best of his servants, and the Everlasting Gospel is mightier in power to save than our narrow finite minds can comprehend.
Even austere, puritanical Cambridge of the Sixties was infinitely nicer and infinitely more attractive than the world I'd known before.
A search of one's life and soul will reveal the hand of God. The outpouring of his blessings come with our afflictions, not in spite of them. Afflictions be praised!
We all have to die a bit every now and then and usually it's so gradual that we end up more alive than ever. Infinitely old and infinitely alive.
In societies no less than individuals, acknowledging our limitations may ultimately be more humane than denying them.
It is astonishing how much the word infinitely is misused: everything is infinitely more beautiful, infinitely better, etc. The concept must have something pleasing about it, or its misuse could not have become so general.
In most cases, our so-called limitations are nothing more than our own decision to limit ourselves.
All our afflictions, all our temptations are to make heaven more desirable, and earth more loathsome.
The kids in our classroom are infinitely more significant than the subject matter we teach.
We are all capable of infinitely more than we believe. We are stronger and more resourceful than we know, and we can endure much more than we think we can.
Some people feel guilty about their anxieties and regard them as a defect of faith but they are afflictions, not sins. Like all afflictions, they are, if we can so take them, our share in the passion of Christ.
For mankind as a whole, a possession infinitely more valuable than individual life is our genetic heritage, our link with past and future... Yet genetic deterioration through man-made agents is the menace of our time.
Infinitely more important than sharing one's material wealth is sharing the wealth of ourselves-our time and energy, our passion and commitment, and, above all, our love.
Infinitely more important than sharing one's material wealth is sharing the wealth of ourselves - our time and energy, our passion and commitment, and, above all, our love.
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