A Quote by Jenna Fischer

I'm not one to air my dirty laundry for the whole world. — © Jenna Fischer
I'm not one to air my dirty laundry for the whole world.
Great teams do not hold back with one another. They are unafraid to air their dirty laundry. They admit their mistakes, their weaknesses, and their concerns without fear of reprisal.
You don't need to air your dirty laundry, you don't need to trust everyone.
I don't feel like I need to air out dirty laundry or any drama. But Robin Williams was one of the nicest guys I've ever met, celebrity or not. The most humble, nicest guy. I will also say he had a lot of issues.
My solo album is different from the Black Eyed Peas albums because I'm a singer first and foremost. There are more ballads and more intimacy between me and the listener because sometimes when you're in a group you don't have space to air out your dirty laundry.
I was raised by very traditional Southern parents with Southern manners. You don't air your dirty laundry to people that aren't your family or your friends. Why would I ever want to portray myself as anything other than together?
The president has said Republicans want dirty air and dirty water.
We all know that crap is king, give us dirty laundry.
Humanity is the washerwoman of society that wrings out its dirty laundry in tears.
I'm comfortable airing my laundry. I don't think one thing's dirty or clean. It's just what I wear.
Action films are emotionally and physically draining, and you're dirty and sweaty. In a romantic comedy, you have to have your fingernails perfect, you're in air-conditioned rooms the whole time.
In my experience in Washington, when people refuse to come clean, it is usually because they are hiding dirty laundry.
The laundry has its hands on my dirty shirts, sheets, towels and tablecloths, and who knows what tales they tell.
For instance, my friend would never go on the show to air her dirty-laundry. But Tremont is outrageous! I've been watching a lot of clips of "The Jerry Springer Show" on YouTube (I can't tell you how many clips there are!) I get to witness these men going through the process to become women and what they're sharing. My character is pre-op. She's had the breast augmentation but still got "the goods" down there.
Knowing Myrnin, there could be anything inside, from a body he'd forgotten about to his dirty laundry.
When we inhale, the air comes into the inner world. When we exhale, the air goes out to the outer world. The inner world is limitless, and the outer world is also limitless. We say "inner world" or "outer world" but actually, There is just one whole world.
My mom will never march in a gay pride parade with a big sign. She is very private. She lives in Chattanooga. She tries so hard to understand me and my life. But she said to me once, "Leslie, if I live to be 105 I'll never understand this need you have to air your dirty laundry. Why can't you just whisper it to a therapist?!" She doesn't understand.
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