A Quote by Jennifer Armintrout

The attitude of, I will never self-publish, coming from any author, indicates that they have never been in a position where it is their only option. — © Jennifer Armintrout
The attitude of, I will never self-publish, coming from any author, indicates that they have never been in a position where it is their only option.
The attitude of, 'I will never self-publish,' coming from any author, indicates that they have never been in a position where it is their only option.
For a while I never show anybody what I'm writing, and during that time I need the feeling that publishing is only an option. I might publish this, I might not. I think if I had to publish it, I might panic.
I've never played, on the field, any other position besides quarterback. Never been on a special team. Never been on defense.
There's people coming in who've never done any politics at all, who've never been in a trade union, they've never been in a political party, they've never done anything, but they do feel a kind of urgency.
I've never really been a conservative. I've never really been a Republican, never been any of that. I've only been in it for me. And proof of that is that I will not denounce Trump.
It is man's intrinsic and irreducible self-responsibility to humanize himself, to exercise his entire range of rational and moral resources to raise his mode of being and seeing and acting above not just that of animals, but also above that of the majority of subhuman (never to be self-realized) humans who will never draw themselves into a self-punishing position of focal self-diagnosis and self-accountability.
We must never lose sight of the fact that we must take part in the development, not only of ourselves but of all humanity... I want you to understand that there never was or has been or will be, in the minds of the founders, including myself, the thought of any reward any notice coming to us for this experiment in brotherly cooperation and comradeship, which we initiated and which has developed, not necessarily because of any efforts of ours, into one of the best regarded organizations in the Negro collegiate world.
I have never admitted the right of an elderly author to alter the work of a young author, even when the young author happens to be his former self.
I grew up in a household where the FryDaddy was always bubbling, and butter and salt were never in short supply. I've never been one to choose the healthy option over the non-healthy option if the healthy option was lacking in taste. I believe a little bad is good for you from time to time. When it comes to maintaining a healthy soul, nothing beats traveling.
And at the place where time stands still, one sees lovers kissing in the shadows of buildings, in a frozen embrace that will never let go. The loved one will never take his arms from where they are now, will never give back the bracelet of memories, will never journey afar from his lover, will never place himself in danger of self-sacrifice, will never fail to show his love, will never become jealous, will never fall in love with someone else, will never lose the passion of this instant of time.
It never occurred to me when I was young that I could be an author. That would be like saying, "I want to be a movie star" or "I want to be a wizard." I didn't have any concept of what that path would look like. Maybe that's why I didn't publish my first book until I was 38.
Quoting Dudjom Rinpoche on the buddha-nature: No words can describe it No example can point to it Samsara does not make it worse Nirvana does not make it better It has never been born It has never ceased It has never been liberated It has never been deluded It has never existed It has never been nonexistent It has no limits at all It does not fall into any kind of category
Kindness to self will put you in the perfect attitude and position to be kind to others.
Obeying the Spirit instead of your own self-centered whims will lead you to places you've never been, challenge you in ways you have never been challenged, and invite levels of sacrifice you never dreamed you could make. This is the power and the promise of full-throttle faith, of living a life fueled solely by God.
Then I'll come,' said Tessa, 'I've never been on a train.' Will threw up his hands. 'That's it? You're coming because you've never been on a train before?' 'Yes.
The one man who should never attempt an explanation of a poem is its author. If the poem can be improved by it's author's explanations it never should have been published, and if the poem cannot be improved by its author's explanations the explanations are scarcely worth reading.
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