A Quote by Jennifer Crusie

Everybody's crooked. The trick is to find out how they're bent. — © Jennifer Crusie
Everybody's crooked. The trick is to find out how they're bent.
Fewer people are bent from hard work than are crooked from avoiding it.
That's how I do this life sometimes by making the ordinary just like magic and just like a card trick and just like a mirror and just like disappearing. Every Indian learns how to be a magician and learns how to misdirect attention and the dark hand is always quicker than the white eye and no matter how close you get to my heart you will never find out my secrets and I'll never tell you and I'll never show you the same trick twice. I'm traveling heavy with illusions.
Right and proof are two crutches for everything bent and crooked that limps along.
I think, at some point, all of us - I'm gonna speak personally, not for everybody else - you're gonna feel like a one-trick pony, and you might even be a one-trick pony. But at some point, if it's a really good trick, everybody's still gonna appreciate it.
I think everybody has a bent, and the key is to follow that bent. So much human wastage comes from people who are doing things with their lives that they really aren't happy with.
The point guard thing was I had to figure out how to score when I'm hot, and how to distribute and make sure everybody is happy. Because I can be happy scoring the ball. But when everybody isn't touching the ball, and we're not making the defense move, it's kind of pointless. So, I've got to find a way to keep everybody in the loop.
When one has shot down one's first, second or third opponent, then one begins to find out how the trick is done.
I just keep working out. You can't stop. Everyone thinks there's a trick, but there's no trick! The trick is, you have to be consistent.
What is perfection anyway in the physical? It is an idea we have. When it doesn't happen we get all bent out of shape and frustrated and angry and then unhappy, we take it out on everybody.
Some are bent with toil, and some get crooked trying to avoid it.
I'm still a little bent, a little crooked, but all things considered, I can't complain.
If a crooked stick is before you, you need not explain how crooked it is. Lay a straight one down by the side of it, and the work is well done. Preach the truth, and error will stand abashed in its presence.
I was more independent than any farmer in Concord, for I was not anchored to a house or farm, but could follow the bent of my genius, which is a very crooked one, every moment.
The egos in this industry are incredibly vulnerable and everybody's afraid to wipe out. So everybody plays it safe and everybody tells everybody else how great they are.
Once upon a time there was a crooked tree and a straight tree. And they grew next to each other. And every day the straight tree would look at the crooked tree and he would say, "You're crooked. You've always been crooked and you'll continue to be crooked. But look at me! Look at me!" said the straight tree. He said, "I'm tall and I'm straight." And then one day the lumberjacks came into the forest and looked around, and the manager in charge said, "Cut all the straight trees." And that crooked tree is still there to this day, growing strong and growing strange.
The trick is figuring out how do we structure government systems that pool resources, and hence facilitate some [wealth] redistribution, because I actually believe in redistribution, at least at a certain level, to make sure that everybody's got a shot.
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