A Quote by Jenny Meadows

Don't aim too high, but set yourself a goal which is a little bit out of your reach. You might achieve it and then you can set a new goal. — © Jenny Meadows
Don't aim too high, but set yourself a goal which is a little bit out of your reach. You might achieve it and then you can set a new goal.
The danger is not to set your goal too high and fail to reach it. It’s to set your goal too low and reach it
Set a goal to achieve something that is so big, so exhilarating that it excites you and scares you at the same time. It must be a goal that is so appealing, so much in line with your spiritual core, that you can't get it out of your mind. If you do not get chills when you set a goal, your not setting big enough goals.
You have to dream, you have to have a vision, and you have to set a goal for yourself that might even scare you a little because sometimes that seems far beyond your reach. Then I think you have to develop a kind of resistance to rejection, and to the disappointments that are sure to come your way.
You can't climb up to the second floor without a ladder. When you set your aim too high and don't fulfill it, then your enthusiasm turns to bitterness. Try for a goal that's reasonable, and then gradually raise it.
You have to find something that you want to accomplish, that you want to achieve. You want to drop 15 pounds. You want to be able to run four miles. There has to be some goal that you set for yourself and, after you've reached that goal, you set a new one. You always have to be shooting for something, striving for something.
You set a goal to be the best and then you work hard every hour of every day, striving to reach that goal. If you allow yourself to settle for anything less than number one, you are cheating yourself.
Hard work is the main thing-hard work and dedication. And I think a great part of it is goal setting. You set your goals to a point where they're attainable, but far enough away that you have to really go get them. And every year I push my goals a little bit farther away, and every year I work a little bit harder to get them. Every goal that I've set, I've been able to achieve. That's been very fulfilling.
Let me start with issuing you a challenge: Be better than you are. Set a goal that seems unattainable, and when you reach that goal, set another one even higher.
For any women trying to do comedy, I would suggest you do one thing every day towards your goal. First, you figure out what it is you want to accomplish. Don't be afraid to set a new goal every day, but every single day, do one thing towards your goal, and you will achieve it.
My goal is to be the best player on the field every down and every game. If I achieve that, then I will achieve any goal I set forth.
You have to set goals that are almost out of reach. If you set a goal that is attainable without much work or thought, you are stuck with something below your true talent and potential.
I believe in goal-setting. I don't care what it is. If you want to drop 10 pounds, increase your bench press, jump higher, or win a Super Bowl, you have to set that goal for yourself before you go out and achieve it. I think you have to regulate it, and see how you're building toward it every single day. Am I getting closer to that ultimate goal? Am I doing everything I possibly can today to be successful? I'm always very cognitive of my goals.
It is important for you to have a goal. You simply can't get there if you don't know where you are going. Begin to build in your mind a dream. The write it down and make your goal realistic. Aim high enough that you will have to stretch your ability and your potential to reach it.
Set a goal and make a commitment to meet that goal. Do the best you can, but never forget your roots, never forget where you came from. After you have succeeded, look back and see if there are others that you might help to achieve what you have accomplished.
It's better to set a big goal to try and then fail than to never set a goal in the first place.
I would define success as setting a goal for yourself and then accomplishing it. I think successful people set out to do something and then just do it. They know before they accomplish their goal that they will, in fact, accomplish it.
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