A Quote by Jeon Tae-il

The feeling of betrayal by the friend you trust — © Jeon Tae-il
The feeling of betrayal by the friend you trust

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Betrayal is one of my biggest fears. Betrayal happens on many different levels all the time, and there is no worse feeling than realizing someone you thought you could trust has gone against you.
I once had a 'best friend' share private stories that I had told her in confidence to another mutual friend. I think the worst part, aside from the actual betrayal of trust, is that this experience affected my future relationships, as I was hesitant to be as open with my other friends.
Trust is not established in the absence of betrayal, but in those whose betrayal is least.
For only when faithfulness turns to betrayal And betrayal into trust Can any human being become part of the truth.
What public health really is is a trust. That's why I used the term 'Betrayal of Trust' as the title of my book. It's a trust between the government and the people.
We've all gone through some kind of betrayal, whether it's with a boyfriend or a friend or a family member. That's why this is so relatable to everybody because we all know what it feels like to feel that betrayal.
All trust involves vulnerability and risk, and nothing would count as trust if there were no possibility of betrayal.
Familial betrayal is, to me, the most heartbreaking kind - because if you can't trust your family to love you and protect you, who can you really trust?
When you Love.. you Expect.. Once u start Expecting.. u have Hope.. Hopes in return makes you to put Trust.. and Trust makes u prone to Betrayal.. and whn u r Betrayed.. Hell falls over U...!!!
If you want a friend, you don't buy a friend, Eric, you earn a friend through love and trust and respect.
A FRIEND IS A PERSON . . . With whom you can be sincere. . . . To whom you never need to defend yourself. . . . On whom you can depend whether present or absent. . . . With whom you never need pretend. . . . To whom you can reveal yourself without fear of betrayal. . . . Who does not feel she owns you because you are her friend. . . . Who will not selfishly use you because she has your confidence. I WOULD HAVE SUCH A FRIEND. . . AND I WOULD BE SUCH A FRIEND. I DO HAVE SUCH A FRIEND!
Each betrayal begins with trust.
For there to be betrayal, there would have to have been trust first.
Let's call cheating what it is: a complete betrayal of trust.
The betrayal of trust carries a heavy taboo.
I have some questions about betrayal,” I said. “Think about this: A person who calls you his best friend, and says he has dinner plans with you, goes off with a beautiful woman, saying he’ll be back directly, then makes you wait half an hour because he’s kissing the woman in the alley. Is that betrayal?” “Oh, Lord.” Eldric tossed back his wine.
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