A Quote by Jeph Loeb

Marvel heroes, at their core, are people who are damaged, are people that are trying to figure out who they are in life. And that doesn't matter whether or not they're X-Men characters or they're Matt Murdock or they're Tony Stark or they're Peter Parker... That's where it starts.
Marvel is at its best when we see how an ordinary person has something extraordinary happen to them - whether it's Tony Stark or Bruce Banner or Peter Parker.
I'd love to see Peter Parker and Daredevil hang out. There's a wonderful issue of the comics where Matt Murdock has to defend Daredevil, because the public don't know, and so he has Peter Parker put on his Daredevil outfit so that he can sit in the docks. You know, great storyline.
Peter Parker is sort of our ground-level view of this Marvel universe. You know what it's like to be in the penthouse with Tony Stark or have this god-like view like Thor, and I want to show what it's like for regular people in this world.
I didn't see a difference between Spider-Man and Peter Parker, to be honest with you. Peter Parker is always Peter Parker. When he's Spider-Man, he's still Peter Parker, no matter how he's dressed.
Obviously making Peter Parker suddenly bisexual or gay wouldn't really make logical or dramatic sense. It was a hypothetical kind of question about the nature of these comic book characters and the nature of this particular character, and whether sexuality, race, any of those things makes any difference to the character of Peter Parker.
There's probably somebody out there who has been dying to be Tony Stark, their whole life, and it will never happen. And then, it comes to me because I happened to do 'Heroes.' I mean, I love it. I'm totally respectful of the position, but I wasn't pursuing it.
If you think about it, now that Spider-Man is in the Marvel universe, that means that Peter Parker was probably, like, eight years old when he saw Tony on TV telling the world he's Iron Man. And when you start thinking about it as a whole world like that, it gets really fascinating.
I wake up and play a different person every day. Playing all these different characters and trying to figure out who your true authentic self is at the core of that as you're playing all these different roles, and man, that self-awareness starts to come into effect. And you start to see who you really are.
As far as superhero stories, what's appealing is of course that aspect of wish fulfillment. I mean, you start out reading them as a kid, and a couple things jump out at you - there are heroes out there, and you wish you could run into a phone booth and change your life, or be like Peter Parker and put on a mask and become a hero.
People look at Marvel movies as epic in scope, but if you look back at the comics, you realise that Marvel heroes were often a reaction to the square-jawed DC characters like Superman, who were flawless and beyond reproach.
The greatest in heroes in life are the anonymous. That's what I believe. Your neighbours are heroes. People who, when you walk down the street, you see them feeding their little baby - these people are heroes because they are living under difficult situations, but they're still trying to save a life.
Marvel is really about the stories of Peter Parker and Bruce Banner or Jessica Jones. These are - I'm hesitant to say the word, but - real people with real problems whose power comes, to use the great expression, with great responsibility.
The biggest fear that everybody has is dying. Not to get too meta on you, but I think every fear that people are trying to work out is really like I'm going to die and no one is going to care, and it doesn't matter because God might not exist. That's what people are trying to figure out. I wish we all had one fear so we could think about it together and figure out a solution, but we're all doing different things.
My characters are always unlucky in love. It's annoying, but perhaps there is something in me that is suited to characters that have a darkness. Maybe it's why I play such damaged people when I'm not particularly damaged myself, I would say.
Heroes in drama are people who try hard to reach a virtuous ideal. And whether they succeed or fail really doesn't matter - it's the trying that counts.
The first day of the shoot, I had been in my trailer and came out dressed as Peter Parker in his slightly daggy corduroy jacket with his camera around his neck. Almost instantly, 500 or more people just stopped and started to watch us. They were calling out my name, calling out, 'Peter' or 'Spidey'.
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