A Quote by Jeremy Corbyn

We're not going back anywhere, we're going forward, we're going forward in democracy, we're going forward in participation, we're going forward with ideas. — © Jeremy Corbyn
We're not going back anywhere, we're going forward, we're going forward in democracy, we're going forward in participation, we're going forward with ideas.
We are not going back. Not only are we not going to retreat on women's rights, we are going to expand them. We are going forward, not backward.
I am connected to the past in a way that keeps me going forward. Every leap forward that I make is by reaching back and firmly getting a footing in the past, and pushing forward as hard as I can.
This society cannot go forward, the way we have been going forward, where the gap between the rich and the poor keeps growing. It's not politically viable; it's not morally right; it's just not going to happen.
In order to deal with the issues we're going to take a thoughtful, considered, intelligent approach to moving forward, we're going to do it with a great deal of consultation ... but to suggest you never change anything ever, ever, ever going forward I don't think is particularly responsible.
Moving forward, the best way is going to be something that is going to be a collective decision, that is made, of course, with President-elect [Donald] Trump having the primary say as to how to move forward. But all those opinions will be in the room.
The Dharma Path is to keep walking forward. But the true Dharma has no going forward, no going backward, and no standing still.
Generally, you're going into every game with excitement. You know you're going to play forward and not going to defend. You're going to try to create and score goals.
I'm never a believer in going back in anything. You move forward, so that's my whole mentality, you make moves to go forward not back.
My perfect formation would be 4-3-3 with one holding and then the two going forward. I would be one of the ones going forward.
When you go through a tunnel - you're going on a train - you go through a tunnel, the tunnel is dark, but you're still going forward. Just remember that. But if you're not going to get up on stage for one night because you're discouraged or something, then the train is going to stop. Everytime you get up on stage, if it's a long tunnel, it's going to take a lot of times of going on stage before things get bright again. You keep going on stage, you go forward. EVERY night you go on stage.
Ideas come mostly bottoms-up. They come when you have a free flow of ideas and you have people able to combine multiple ideas into one concept... And you've got to have competition, too. You've got to say, 'We're going to have 10 different ideas, nine of them are going to fail, and the one that does the best is going to move forward.'
Revision is not going back and fussing around, but going forward into the process of creation
...crushed between the fears of going forward and the dread of going back.
I'm at the point where going forward is easier than going back.
We have brave hearts and won't retreat. We are not going back; we are going forward.
In terms of what is the solution is going forward, in my view, it is the grassroots human-rights groups - both Israeli and Palestinian - that are doing exactly what needs to be done, which is building trust, developing relationships and building that sense of common community which is essential if we're going to figure out how to move forward.
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