A Quote by Jeremy Grantham

At least us old men remember what a real bear market is like, and the young men haven't got a clue. — © Jeremy Grantham
At least us old men remember what a real bear market is like, and the young men haven't got a clue.
I found that the best way to go about [ Black men ] is to produce better men. And I think if we get them at a younger age, and start teaching these young brothers the principles of manhood: That real men go to work everyday; Real men honor God; Real men respect and adore women - that's what real men do.
All over the world, particularly in the newer nations, young men are coming to power--men who are not bound by the traditions of the past--men who are not blinded by the old fears and hates and rivalries-- young men who can cast off the old slogans and delusions and suspicions.
Basically the real decision making in the Labour party is old white men, assisted by young, posh men.
We must remember that if all the manifestly good men were on one side and all the manifestly bad men on the other, there would be no danger of anyone, least of all the elect, being deceived by lying wonders. It is the good men, good once, we must hope good still, who are to do the work of Anti-Christ and so sadly to crucify the Lord afresh.... Bear in mind this feature of the last days, that this deceitfulness arises from good men being on the wrong side.
Rich men are to bear the infirmities of the poor. Wise men are to bear the mistakes of the ignorant. Strong men are to bear with the feeble. Cultured people are to bear with the rude and vulgar. If a rough and coarse man meets an ecstatically fine man, the man that is highest up is to be the servant of the man that is lowest down.
Young men make wars, and the virtues of war are the virtues of young men: courage, and hope for the future. Then old men make the peace, and the vices of peace are the vices of old men: mistrust and caution.
I love the acquaintance of young people; because, in the first place, I do not like to think myself growing old. In the next place, young acquaintances must last longest, if they do last; and then, sir, young men have more virtue than old men; they have more generous sentiments in every respect.
You're a mean old man, Your Grace." "And that is the way it should be." Roial informed. "Mean young men are trivial, and kindly old men boring. Here, let me get us something to drink.
You can take a look at the enrollment at major institutions of higher learning. It's 65% female, 35% male. One of the reasons is, men don't want to go there anymore.But this is a manifestation... Remember our old buddy James Brown addressing men, said that it's time to shape up or ship out. He said we have got to stop this business of making fun of men who "throw like girls."
You've got to remember that men are men and women are women. And although a lot of similarities, there are some real differences.
Young men, hear an old man to whom old men hearkened when he was young.
Young men, listen to an old man to whom old men listened when he was young.
Youth is impulsive. When our young men grow angry at some real or imaginary wrong, and disfigure their faces with black paint, it denotes that their hearts are black, and that they are often cruel and relentless, and our old men and old women are unable to restrain them. Thus it has ever been.
In real life, it's war, and war's not entertainment. War is 'old men lying and young men dying' kind of deal. That's a saying; I didn't make that up.
Young men think old men are fools, but old men know young men are fools.
Young men think old men are fools; but old men know young men are fools.
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