For being the largest generation in American history, the Millennial generation inspires a ridiculous degree of overgeneralization.
The Millennial Generation - the biggest American generation in history - is reversing the migration into rural areas and moving back to city centers.
The millennial generation wants to express every feeling to feel like you're connected to it, and there's something very dark about tragedy that people are drawn to.
This millennial generation... you guys seem so entitled.
The financial services industry is failing the millennial generation.
It is not difficult to understand why the great God of heaven has reserved these special spirits for the final work of the kingdom prior to his millennial reign.... This generation will face trials and troubles that will exceed those of their pioneer forebears. Our generation has had periods of some respite from the foe. The future generation will have little or none....This is a chosen generation.... I believe today's [Church youth] will lead the youth of the world through the most trying time in history.
It seems like the millennial generation is a little bit of a cultural punching bag.
There is a desire for change. There is a millennial generation that doesn't like what they're seeing, but doesn't quite know what the solution is.
If you think about the under-30 generation, the millennial generation - GenTech, as I call them - they grew up with a screen in front of them. And so they think about everyday processes, like payments, differently than you and I do.
I have written time and again about the damage the Republican Party has done to itself with the millennial generation.
The feminist spirit still lives! It shows most boldly among younger women from the millennial generation.
The millennial generation in the US is the first that has reduced expectations from those of their parents. And I think there is something decadent and declinist about that.
My slice of the millennial generation, as we grew up, became - to the dismay of the GOP - a bloc of fairly consistently Democratic voters.
My vocal ability is very limited, but I'm fortunate in that I can write the songs around my vocal limitations.
Going into the 2012 election, I worried that without effectively connecting with the youth vote, the GOP risked losing the millennial generation for the rest of their lives.
I have not forgotten my story I want to tell Millennial women. I'm still waiting for them all to gather out there. I sent out a request for people to call Millennial that they know.