So many fighters who fight Golovkin have lost before they've entered the ring.
The strawweight division may be the lightest division in the UFC, but we are very tough fighters.
Most importantly fighters in my day knew the most important art in boxing - feinting.
This is what boxing always needs - two young, undefeated fighters willing to risk their '0.'
It's always been my goal to fight the best fighters out there, and I look at Amir Khan as one of the top fighters in my division.
Most fighters, when they're finished, boxing turns its back on them.
You look at boxing being an international, world-famous sport, right up there next with soccer, and there's only two fighters the people want to see fight. Two little fellows, Manny Pacquiao and Floyd Mayweather.
Alvarez is the biggest name in boxing. I'm looking forward to pitting my wits against one of the best in the sport.
The heavyweight division is the division that historically always drives boxing. It's the flagship. That's because even if a guy is a big underdog, one punch turns everything around.
It's very rare in British boxing that you have two fighters who are both undefeated and who are both world champions.
The middleweight division is one of the most exciting divisions in the sport. Fighters can punch like heavyweights and have the speed of the lightweights. You have the best of world worlds.
I wouldn't say that I'm the most avoided man in boxing, but a few guys might avoid me in the middleweight division.
Trust me, I've seen a lot of fighters come in hot and they disappear faster than they came in after a loss or two. This is the UFC and the best fighters in the world are here. If you fight the great fighters you're bound to lose.
I don't necessarily think fighters should fight killers every time, but at some point in time, fighters should be fighting the best in their division, period.
I've never been the biggest boxing fan. If I know the guy I will watch him. But if it's two great fighters and I don't know either of them then I won't bother.
If I beat Canelo Alvarez at Madison Square Garden, I wake up the next day the king of New York and the new face of boxing.