A Quote by Jerry Jones

Anybody involved in sports in Missouri knows it's a great sports state. It is a great sports state, particularly in basketball and baseball. Particularly. Not to demean football, but it's a baseball state and a basketball state.
I've played almost every sport in the book and basketball was one of the sports that I played. We were state runner-up champions and state champions in basketball in high school.
There is a rare exception of mainstream sports that have a fatality rate. That's motor sports and rodeo, ... football, baseball, basketball, hockey, you make a mistake and you give up a run or some points. In these two sports, if you make a mistake, it could cost you your life.
I played three sports in high school, baseball, football and basketball. Baseball really helped me a lot.
I tried golf for a while, but I wasn't very good at it, so I didn't play a lot of golf. I enjoy all sports, not just football. I like basketball, baseball, and I got into the World Cup. So really, sports in general are my life, and football specifically.
I think we have our sports within our own culture that are huge with baseball, football, basketball, and hockey. Those are the sports in America that we grow up with and soccer isn't really there yet.
My mom is a big sports fans. Basketball, football, baseball, whatever. She calls into sports radio shows and gets into shouting matches, that's how intense she is about it.
I played basketball, baseball, and football. I never had much downtime. But I think playing multiple sports helped tremendously in my baseball career. I have the agility of all three combined into one.
There isn't a single professional sports season now that doesn't go on at least a month too long. Baseball starts in football weather, and football in baseball weather, and basketball overlaps them both.
I'm a great sports fan, you know. I love to watch tennis and basketball and baseball and so on.
I would never tell anybody to give up hockey - the great sports we have here - basketball, lacrosse - rugby coming into its own - we've got so many great team sports, and I say hold on to them.
Wrestling isn't looked upon like the other sports of football, baseball, basketball and hockey.
I'm truly passionate about basketball. I'm not as passionate about baseball as I am about basketball, but I watch baseball and I watch football. I love sports in general.
We [Americans] are a football-baseball-basketball-golf culture with some ocassional forays into tennis and less often the winter sports.
I'm not as anti-sports as I've led people to believe - I've been to a Giants game. I've been to Giants Stadium and I've watched games. I've watched lots of them, you know? I don't really pretend to know what's going on, but I've been immersed in the excitement of watching sports, particularly football. I like baseball, probably more than football.
As a kid I was fascinated with sports, and I loved sports more than anything else. The first books I read were about sports, like books about Baseball Joe, as one baseball hero was called.
I just love sports: basketball, baseball, football. As a kid I did it all. But in my heart, I'm a football player. There's nothing like it. It's what I live for. Ever since I could walk, I've been drawn to it.
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