A Quote by Jerry Reinsdorf

People say you make your own luck; I don't think that's the case, but maybe you contribute to your luck by recognizing it and taking advantage of it. — © Jerry Reinsdorf
People say you make your own luck; I don't think that's the case, but maybe you contribute to your luck by recognizing it and taking advantage of it.
I'm not a huge luck guy. I think you make your own luck. I don't really believe in some other force making your own luck.
Luck can often mean simply taking advantage of a situation at the right moment. It is possible to make your luck by being always prepared.
Luck can often mean simple taking advantage of a situation at the right moment, It is possible to make your luck by being always prepared.
Many people may say that luck is important, but I think you create your own luck by working hard to ensure you don't miss opportunities.
This thing we call luck is merely professionalism and attention to detail, it's your awareness of everything that is going on around you, it's how well you know and understand your airplane and your own limitations. Luck is the sum total of your of abilities as an aviator. If you think your luck is running low, you'd better get busy and make some more. Work harder. Pay more attention. Do better preflights.
I'd wish you luck, but I don't think it would help," "Why not?" "My lady, you make your own luck.
You make your own luck. Some people have bad luck all their lives.
What you do is you say, fine, you want to go to Mexico or some other country, good luck. We wish you a lot of luck. But if you think you're going to make your air conditioners or your cars or your cookies or whatever you make and bring them into our country without a tax, you're wrong.
You create your own luck by the way you play. There is no such luck as bad luck. Fate has nothing to do with success or failure, because that is a negative philosophy that indicts one's confidence, and I'll have no part of it.
You make your own luck. Luck is the residue of design.
I believe 0% is luck. I think you create your own luck, so I don't believe in luck.
By working hard, by making the right moves, you can create your own luck, I think. But certainly luck plays a part.
I believe you make your own luck. My motto is ‘It’s always a mistake not to go.’ So I jump on the airplane, try new things—sometimes I get in way over my head, but then I think, I’ll work my way out of this somehow. A big part of making your own luck is just charging out of the gate every morning…The thing I love about living in New York is that I never fail to get up in the morning and think, Something adventurous is going to happen today. The energy is operating at full throttle all the time. And if you want to be lucky you’ve got to go out and take advantage of it.
Above all, he liked it that everything was one's own fault. There was only oneself to praise or blame. Luck was a servant and not a master. Luck had to be accepted with a shrug or taken advantage of up to the hilt. But it had to be understood and recognized for what it was and not confused with a faulty appreciation of the odds, for, at gambling, the deadly sin is to mistake bad play for bad luck. And luck in all its moods had to be loved and not feared
If there's something left in me, it's better to go down fighting. You've got to have a bit of self-belief and confidence in yourself. I might know that I have only a little chance but I'm a good rider and I try to make it happen. You have to give luck a swift kick in the behind so it falls on your side. You have to make your own luck.
If you want to catch more fish, more often, take luck out of your fishing equation and replace it with knowledge of fish, their habitat and behavior, and you will make your own luck.
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