A Quote by Jerry Seinfeld

Celebrity is no different from any other energy. It's a force for good or evil. It's no different from money. It's power. — © Jerry Seinfeld
Celebrity is no different from any other energy. It's a force for good or evil. It's no different from money. It's power.
Money, like any other force such as electricity, is amoral and can be used for either good or evil.
I radiate on a different frequency - or you can call it energy - than most. I vibrate at a different energy force.
If there's any message to my work, it is ultimately that it's OK to be different, that it's good to be different, that we should question ourselves before we pass judgment on someone who looks different, behaves different, talks different, is a different color.
I don't think I'm any different on 'Celebrity Juice' or daytime telly. It's what's going on around me that's different. I don't suddenly become all outrageous and rude on 'Celebrity Juice.'
Moral philosophy is nothing else but the science of what is good, and evil, in the conversation, and society of mankind. Good, and evil, are names that signify our appetites, and aversions; which in different tempers, customs, and doctrines of men, are different.
Every force field is simultaneously a field of information because even physics now acknowledges that an atom is not only a hierarchy of different states of energy, or different states of force fields.
I think it is said that Gauss had ten different proofs for the law of quadratic reciprocity. Any good theorem should have several proofs, the more the better. For two reasons: usually, different proofs have different strengths and weaknesses, and they generalise in different directions - they are not just repetitions of each other.
I don't have any opinions about Russians. There are celebrity persons in each country. Different people do different things.
[Arnold Schwarzenegger] is really good at ['The New Celebrity Apprentice' show]. Totally different energy to our potential president, but he's cool.
What's the level of compromise for making that kind of money? How far do I have to sell my soul? What's the price of that? And I don't know if I want to make those kind of compromises any more. I think I'm a different person. I think I've matured to a great extent. I think that I want different things now. That it's not about the celebrity status that you receive because you're doing the next hot movie. It's about doing good work.
Now different races and nationalities cherish different ideals of society that stink in each other's nostrils with an offensiveness beyond the power of any but the most monstrous private deed.
One may say that evil does not exist for subjective man at all, that there exist only different conceptions of good. Nobody ever does anything deliberately in the interests of evil, for the sake of evil. Everybody acts in the interests of good, as he understands it. But everybody understands it in a different way. Consequently men drown, slay, and kill one another in the interests of good.
It’s true that someone will always say that good and evil don’t exist: that is a person who has never had any dealings with real evil. Good is far less convincing than evil, but it’s because their chemical structures are different. Like gold, good is never found in a pure state in nature: it therefore doesn’t seem impressive. It has the unfortunate tendency not to act; it prefers, passively, to be seen.
Money is power, money is force, money will do good as harm. In the hands of good men and women it could accomplish, and it has accomplished, good.
Money is nothing more than a tool. It can be a force for good, a force for evil, or simply idle.
Kundalini is the life force. It is given different names. They call it prana. They divide it into different segments, the apana and the samana; sometimes it's called shakti. Nice names, it is energy.
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