A Quote by Jesse Spencer

I work 14-hour days on-set, and when you go home to an empty apartment, the last thing you're going to do is cook a meal. I eat cereal, eggs, or smoothies. That's my routine.
There are some times when you make films and you travel places, and the take that people in the business have is that the worst way to see a city is to shoot there, because you work these long 12, 13 and 14-hour days, and you go home to the hotel, you eat, and you pass out.
I don't cook for myself. I eat every meal out. I'm fed by others. I think it's a kind of social thing. I work collaboratively with others. A meal with a friend is my ultimate thing.
You miss the routine. That's the biggest thing. That's probably the biggest thing that put me into a hole, that you don't have a routine, you don't get up and work out and then eat and then go to the rink and practice an all those things in a set schedule.
I never cook at home. After 15 hours at work, I don't have much of a desire to cook at home. I do eat at home, but it's always something simple. Raw nuts. Almonds, hazelnuts, pine nuts--these are marvelous products. I am, however, the type that likes to go out to eat a lot. I never tire of it.
I eat about two meals a day vegan, is my rule of thumb. When I'm traveling, all bets are off, but I don't cook meat in the house. I rarely cook eggs. I never use milk. But when I go out to eat for a special treat, I'll have some meat. But I know, personally, that's the best I'm ever going to do in my life.
I can make eggs. I can do a quesadilla. But the last thing I want to do when I come home is cook and clean up dishes. I'm not that domestic a girl.
I did a 22 Days Nutrition program. That's something I know works. Also, do at least an hour of cardio. Eat six meals a day. Meal, snack, meal, snack, meal, snack, meal. Small portions. No carbs, no dairy. You lose it fast and you'll be feeling amazing. It's something that we have to do and discipline ourselves.
I'm big on cereal. I don't eat a lot of sweets, but when I've got a sweet tooth, I'm going to cereal, that's my go-to.
You know why kids don't eat fruits? Because fruits don't have any mascots. Every sugary cereal has a bear or a rabbit going , 'Kid! Eat it! Eat it, eat it, eat it!' You're a kid, you're like, 'I got to get that cereal.'
In Cannes, I try to find somebody's apartment that I can cook at. I always go shopping in the marche and try to make a meal and set up a whole space outside the business. I'll try to go to at least two or three movies that I know there's no way in hell I'll be involved with from a business perspective. You have to indulge your cinephilic needs.
When I'm home, I cook and try to eat really clean. I try to eat vegetables at every meal. I stay away from pasta and bread and have brown rice and potatoes instead.
What's your routine after attending a networking event or meal? If your answer is, 'I go home,' you're probably going to miss out on opportunities.
People tend to stay at home and eat a home-cooked meal. There are three days that are really slow for restaurants - Thanksgiving, Christmas and Easter.
Pre-workout meal, I eat eggs over toast with cheese because I need that protein before I work out.
Comedians a lot of times we're on the road, we're by our self. We come home to New York to our empty one-bedroom apartment, you know, and we need a place to go where you see a bunch of other miserable people sit around and eat a corned beef sandwich.
A guy comes down to earth, takes your sins, dies, and comes back three days later. You believe in him and go to heaven forever. How do you get from that to Hide-The-Eggs? Did Jesus have a problem with eggs? Did he go, "When I come back, if I see any eggs, the whole salvation thing is off."
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