A Quote by Jesse Spencer

When I was doing 'Neighbours,' I was aiming to go to university, then go to med school, but I realised I could make a better living from acting. — © Jesse Spencer
When I was doing 'Neighbours,' I was aiming to go to university, then go to med school, but I realised I could make a better living from acting.
I was in school, but I wasn't into school. I wasn't doing what I wanted to be doing in school, which was film studies. That was what I intended on doing, but I didn't go away to a university because I wanted to stay in L.A. and audition while I took classes, so I elected to go to a community college and just take G.E. courses. It was terrible.
Well, my parents originally wanted me to become a doctor - that's why I was in school; I was pre-med, and I graduated with a degree in psychology and a concentration in neuroscience. Really, the plan was for me to go to med school.
During my university years, I was doing a lot of theatre acting. I would be skipping school for rehearsal. We were rehearsing at night - we finished at midnight, and I had to go to school at 8 A.M. It was very tiring.
And then, one acting class turned into two, turned into four, and then turned into, "I love this. I could do this for the rest of my life. But, I don't have a background in acting. I never acted in college, or did anything like that. How can I go about doing this?" That meant going to grad school and getting some training, and I did. I literally walked down the path. It was real fortuitous for me to walk by that school, that one morning.
I was pre-med in college, and so since a lot of people take a year off before they go to med school, I decided to take the time to pursue theater - six months later, I was on Broadway.
I was pre-med for a semester, and then I got a C- in organic chemistry and was washed out of that program. Then I imagined I'd be a lawyer. I was gonna go to law school.
I hoped that I could learn how to combine an education with acting. But I was unhappy with the direction I chose, so I decided to take on a six-month tour for a musical theater performance, thinking that I'd go back to university in a year. That became two years, then three years, until I really realized I am already doing what I love doing.
When I got out of high school, I thought, I'll take a year or two off and play the clubs, get this out of my system, and then go to med school.
I left Israel to work as a model, to just make money - I didn't care if I was doing an ad for toilet paper or diapers, I just really wanted to allow myself to go to school, to go to university without waitressing, because when I'm in a school environment I just really like to study and have the best grades and learn as much as I can.
My personal advice is to go to school first and get a liberal arts education, and then if you want to pursue acting, go to graduate school.
I was pre-med, so I was going to go into the family business, more or less. But I came to my senses, luckily, and backed out, and decided to go to drama school.
If I wanted to be a doctor today I'd go to math school not med school.
You could go to New York City, you could go to LA, you could go to the highest class studios in the world, they'll have all the bells and whistles, but it's not going to make your record any better.
I started writing sketches when I was 13. I liked Vic Reeves, Fry and Laurie, and Paul Merton, and I thought you could just send sketches to the BBC, and they'd go, 'Great. We'll put these on telly.' But I gradually realised that you either had to go to university and join a club, or do standup.
There are people that borrow $36,000 to go to Trump University, and they are suing him now. Thirty-six thousand dollars to go a university, that's a fake school.
I went to University College London and read English literature, then realised if you were interested in story and narrative, film was the way to go.
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