A Quote by Jessica Henwick

I was a real wild kid, spending much more time outdoors than I ever did indoors. — © Jessica Henwick
I was a real wild kid, spending much more time outdoors than I ever did indoors.
I find outdoors easier than indoors, but I am more interested in indoor athletics. I prefer it because it is hotter indoors, and I like the shorter laps.
I do not go outdoors. Not more than I have to. As far as I'm concerned, the whole point of living in New York City is indoors. You want greenery? Order the spinach.
Sandwich outdoors isn’t a sandwich anymore. Tastes different than indoors, notice? Got more spice. Tastes like mint and pinesap. Does wonders for the appetite.
The real goal should be reduced government spending, rather than balanced budgets achieved by ever rising tax rates to cover ever rising spending.
Nurturing and spending time and effort on what's happening underneath our exteriors is much more lucrative than spending a lifetime and shed load of money on your outside.
The Order of the Arrow is a thing of the outdoors rather than the indoors. It was born in an island wilderness. It needs the sun and rain, the woods and the plains, the waters and the starlit sky.
Usually, it is not difficult to change from indoors to outdoors.
I think being raised spending so much time outdoors was really important - while you're in it, you might not know, but now I think of the things I was thankful for.
On the West Coast, things are more relaxed, maybe because people have more fun outdoors. In the East, where the weather is not so good, people have to stay indoors. They're very knowledgable fans. This makes you play even harder.
I have set crowd records fighting indoors and outdoors.
We [Federal Government] have tried spending money. We are spending more than we have ever spent before and it does not work.
Spending time in a church does not make you religious, any more than spending time in a garage makes you a car.
Spending time outdoors makes you feel great.
The rich pay more in total taxes now than ever before - ever. It's true. Just like it's true that when the rich are convinced they're going to be taxed more, they spend less. And when the top few percenters don't spend, there goes all your spending, because they account for half of all retail spending.
Theatre is real-time - you get that real-time audience reaction, which is fantastic. And with art pieces, people don't ever have to explain themselves. You can do something and really follow a research. With architecture, you have to be much more public. You have to build consensus. You have to work within the law. There are more complexities.
I don't go to conferences quite as much as I used to: having a child and movin away from the university leaves me with less time, but I've tried to balance things out - not just spending time with Linux all the time, but having a real job and a real life at the same time.
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