A Quote by Jessica Simpson

I really don't look at myself as just one thing. I'm kind of scattered and like to have my hands in a lot of different projects. It makes me who I am. — © Jessica Simpson
I really don't look at myself as just one thing. I'm kind of scattered and like to have my hands in a lot of different projects. It makes me who I am.
I think I probably am doing animation because I started as a kid and I learned on my own, and I worked by myself a lot. It's the only thing I really prepared myself to do in any kind of depth. And I've just kind of imbibed the technology and techniques and the thinking about telling stories this way. It just feels natural to me.
Latinos are very passionate, and they perform a lot, and look at me, I'm talking with my hands, and this is just my normal self, so it kind of allows me to be who I am and not dumb it down.
I like to experiment a lot, I just like to make myself look different to everyone else. Shopping at all different places from vintage to high-street, and then I just put it together myself.
I am not just sitting and reading everything because honestly sometimes the scripts that appeal to me are projects that are not good projects, but I just really like the script or the characters.
I don't really look at myself as a role model. And I just am the way I am and if people want to look up to me, they do. By no means do I like to give a negative image either.
When I like myself, which is not too often, but when I do like myself on film, it's when I point, and I go, 'Look what she did! She did the funniest thing - look at her!' Where I can really separate back from it and I don't see me anymore, then I'm really excited. That's, like, really fun for me. That jazzes me.
I always like to say, I am to most phenomenal thing that touched men kind...lol, lol. Yeeaa Men.. Besides that, I don't eat a lot; I don't eat a lot of carbohydrates. I am just naturally big like this, that's all. That's just something I do, if people see me on stage they are always like "man, that dude is huge". I mean I am in a good shape, I don't drink or smoke, so there are a lot of things I don't do.
It took a lot of guts to change it and say 'I don't like the life that I'm living and I don't like the swimmer I am', so let's change it completely and say 'Look, I've got to learn to love myself'. And that's been a really hard thing to do because when you've done a performance that you're not proud of and the public and the media have criticized you.....people are really quick to make judgements so it was tough to say 'Well I don't care what you have to say. I'm going to do this for myself and if you don't like me after this, well then, it's too bad'.
You know, I suffer kind of from survivor's guilt. It's like you suffer from success because you feel like - why me? Why am I so special? What makes me so different from the next man and why am I able to achieve these things that this person can't? Prayer is the only thing that helps me get through it.
There are a lot of people out there that really aren't that different than me, I consider myself a pretty average guy, so hopefully they understand me and know where I am coming from. I kinda feel like I am a voice for them.
My hair color is super important to my look because I feel like it helps kind of define who I am. It's like a characteristic of mine that makes me feel comfortable and different from the rest.
We just dated the same guy, and that's kind of what it is. It's always a competition thing, and they compare us, but she is Rihanna. She's a pop star, and she's beautiful - she makes great music - and I'm just me, and I'm growing and working into myself. You can't really compare us. We're two completely different girls.
When I watch myself, I see nothing but faults, like, 'This I need to do different, this I need to do different,' and so if there comes a point in time where I'm like, 'Man, this whole thing is just getting really stale,' I am not opposed to being the bad guy again.
There's a lot to the story. And there are a lot of things I've learned about myself and about love, and I'm really grateful for the lessons, and I hope I can share that through art. I look for projects that allow me to do that, whether it's music or acting.
People ask, 'Why would you cast yourself in your movie?' And, for me, it's more like an achievement that I am now not playing all the parts, you know? Like I was for so long, in all my performances and a lot of my short movies. So, that's where I'm coming from, not out of a kind of actress-y sense of myself. I mean, I don't really see myself as an actress, but more from performance: this is how you make something. You do it yourself. You're in it and you write it. I think I keep doing it that way, 'cause it's my way. It's what makes me feel like I know how to do it.
I'm free to see things objectively because I don't consider myself American, and I don't consider myself British or Indian. I'm kind of an amalgam or mongrel of a lot of different places and experiences. In a lot of ways it's been a good thing for me. It's enabled me to do what I do on 'The Daily Show.'
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