A Quote by Jessica Walsh

You need the confidence to fail in order to take risks in your work — © Jessica Walsh
You need the confidence to fail in order to take risks in your work
There are always risks when you chase after a dream because growth requires that you leave your comfort zone and enter unknown territory. But without confronting those risks and facing your fears, you'll never, as Nike says, "Just do it." Now the truth is, you may fail in some of your efforts, but you will never succeed if you are not willing to risk failure. And even if you do fail, you can learn from the experience and try again. To do that, you will need courage, and you will also need to have faith in your ability to achieve your goals.
If you take risks, you may fail; but if you don't take risks, you will surely fail
The thing I preach constantly is do your research; build your knowledge base. Don't just go into business on a whim or a prayer - and don't think 'I'm an entrepreneur so I have to take risks'. Entrepreneurs don't take risks. They take calculated risks; only the good ones.
It's very important to take risks. I think that research is very important, but in the end you have to work from your instinct and feeling and take those risks and be fearless. When I hear a company is being run by a team, my heart sinks, because you need to have that leader with a vision and heart that can move things forward.
We are alive and need to take risks. And if we fail, so what? Who cares? It doesn't matter. Learn and move on without judgement.
Every day, you'll have opportunities to take chances and to work outside your safety net. Sure, it's a lot easier to stay in your comfort zone.. in my case, business suits and real estate.. but sometimes you have to take risks. When the risks pay off, that's when you reap the biggest rewards.
To allow your organization the permission to fail is a very powerful thing. If we want to really be thought leaders and industry leaders, it doesn't come without taking risks. We're not afraid to take those risks that will get us to a better place.
Be willing to take some risks in the areas of work and money. If we do only what we think we should do in order to make money and be secure, we won't listen to the intuitive voice that tells us to try something new, to be more creative, or to move on to the next step on our path. When we listen to our intuition and take some risks, we are not alone. The universe will support us and reward us for taking risks on its behalf!
You're taking big risks doing comedy, because ultimately, you're trying to be funny. If you're not funny, you look like an idiot. You have to be prepared to look like an idiot, so you need to have confidence in the man at the helm of it all. You have to take a massive leap of faith and be daring and bold with your choices. It always makes for better work I think.
The younger you are, the more courage and audacity you will have to set long-term goals and be there to personally work towards your vision. You will have the confidence to take risks because you have time by your side. You can bring innovation into everything you do and constantly reinvent yourself.
In this case they're doctors. But having passion for your work and to take risks in order to better human kind. That's a pretty big theme. It's pretty inspiring.
People who take huge risks aren't afraid to fail. In fact, they love to fail. It's because failing means they found the edge.
From my perspective, as an entrepreneur, one is wired to take risks. You, of course, need to be smart and take calculated risks, and then do all you can to make it worth the risk.
Be thankful for all successes, lose your ego, take risks, fail fast, and if you don't absolutely love what you do, run!
In order for people to be happy, sometimes they have to take risks. It's true these risks can put them in danger of being hurt.
If you're all confidence, you never evolve or take risks. You're just stagnating in your artistry, whatever you're doing.
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