A Quote by Jessie Baylin

I definitely want to have a family without a doubt. I want to know that kind of love, and I'm definitely thinking about it. I'm not afraid to have a little baby bump on stage someday.
A family is something that I definitely want, but I'm 26, so I have plenty of time, and I try not to kind of confuse the two because, if I'm lucky enough, I want to make having a baby a personal decision rather than a career-defined one.
I love dancing just because I've done it my whole life and it's definitely what I want to do. I feel like, I want to train with acting and do movies. Those two are my main priorities. I definitely want to be able to sing and model, too. I definitely love those, too.
My mum and dad ran a family cafe in Sligo for 35 years and worked long hours. We grew up in a very hard-working family and had a lovely atmosphere, as we lived above the restaurant. It definitely made me want to work hard, whatever I chose to do. As the baby of seven kids, I was definitely a bit spoilt.
It's still one of my biggest fears, childbirth, but I'll definitely, definitely want a baby some day.
I definitely do want a family. The idea of being a father and providing the type of love, guidance and support that my parents have given me is definitely down the road.
As you build your career, you know where you want to go. I'm definitely moving towards films. That's definitely a goal. I'm definitely going to put it out there.
I definitely want to be a doting grandmother. I love babies. My colleagues will tell you if I'm in an arena and there's a baby in my vicinity I'm holding that baby.
As many of you know, I have a dog, Peanut who is my love. She really got me thinking about what I could do to help, and animal rights are definitely something I want the world to care about!
I love dresses, and I've definitely thought about designing them someday. I just want to make sure that I wait until the time is perfect and I can do it right.
Yeah, I definitely want to find that right person and fall in love and have kids someday.
I love my family but my family - they're the type of people that never let you forget anything you ever did... I was in the first grade Christmas play - I'm playing Mary. Now, during the course of the play, I dropped the baby Jesus... They still talk about this. I go to my family reunion, and one of my cousins just had a baby. So I'm like, 'Oh, that's a cute little baby. Let me hold the baby...' And my aunt runs over, 'Don't you give her that baby! You know she dropped the baby Jesus!'
Right now the tabloids are saying I'm pregnant, and they're naming the baby. It's hilarious. I don't know when I'll want to get married. I never pictured myself as a bride, but after my sister's wedding,I did start thinking about what kind of wedding I'd want. I don't think I want a big one.
I definitely thought about it long and hard, about if I wanted to keep the baby or not, and I wasn't thinking about adoption. I do think every woman should have the right to do what they want, but I don't think it's talked through enough. I can't even tell you how many people just say, 'Oh, get an abortion.' Like it's not a big deal.
I'm definitely one of those actresses who comes to a set knowing how I want to do a scene, and I definitely love input from my directors and my writers.
I definitely, definitely want a family.
I love politics, love government, and I definitely want to stay involved. But I don't know if I'd ever want to run for office.
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