A Quote by Jill Scott

I truly loved being pregnant and feeling what was going on inside my body and watching it change. It's difficult to recoup, but still amazing nonetheless. I would have another one.
If I design another line, I will definitely design pieces that suit both pregnant and non-pregnant women. Being pregnant is one of the most amazing things, but it is a big change in a woman's life and body, and I think it is important she feels amazing all along her term. And being able to wear beautiful lingerie will definitely help.
Being pregnant is a conundrum. You have this freedom, because it's a wonderful time that a human being is growing inside of you, and it is truly magical. On the other hand, your body changes.
Some people are afraid of change and [feel] that getting older is a bad thing, but I really love maturing and gaining wisdom, and the experience of being pregnant and having a child and seeing what a woman's body can do is amazing.
I loved dressing for my pregnant body. A pregnant woman's body is so beautiful. Towards the end, it does get harder, and then it became all about flats and comfortable maxi dresses.
I loved being pregnant. I felt unapologetically curvy, sexy, and intensely feminine. After giving birth I joined the ranks of millions of new mothers when I moaned, 'Why do I still look pregnant?'
Being pregnant changes your body image. You watch your stomach expand. If that happened without being pregnant you'd be in deep distress! But because you're excited about what's going to happen, you view yourself differently.
The freedom to be someone else entirely and be different versions of something. That's what I loved and I loved watching movies and I loved watching television, I loved reading books. That kind of escapism into another world was my favorite thing.
It's one thing to change regulations on the city level, another on the state, and still another on the federal. The higher the levels are, the more difficult change gets.
I still dream about being on the space station with the feeling of being weightless. The weightlessness is the most amazing, relaxing and natural feeling.
Being pregnant is not license to forget all the rules that you abide by when you're not pregnant. Moving your body, getting enough sleep, staying hydrated, and eating proper foods throughout the day are even more important when you're pregnant.
I remember when I was watching 'Lost,' which I loved. I didn't know what was going on, but I still loved it.
The mistake we make is that when we're feeling another person is not treating us in the way that makes us feel secure and loved, we fixate our attention on that person and what's wrong with them. We also fixate on what's wrong with us. Instead, we can bring forward two wings of awareness: the wing of mindfulness (noticing what's going on inside us) and the wing of kindness (compassion to what's going on inside us).
The dying often have the sensation of rising up and floating above their own body while it is surrounded by a medical team, and watching it down below, while feeling comfortable. They experience the feeling of being in a spiritual body that appears to be a sort of living energy field.
This time, I whispered that I loved him too. Then, I silently listed all the reason: I loved him for his gentleness. I loved him for being an amazing catch yet still vulnerable enough to be insecure. But most of all, I loved him for loving me.
A part of me isn't like those women who love being pregnant. I love my baby, and I miss that feeling of being attached to him when he's kicking, but I was so ready to not be pregnant.
I loved being on the other side of the camera. I loved watching another actress in the spotlight, do an extraordinary job, and I loved making her beautiful and interesting, protecting her emotions, and showing people her talent.
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