A Quote by Jill Stein

Pay attention America. Third party might not win it this year, but we could be seeing the shift away from a two party system unfolding. — © Jill Stein
Pay attention America. Third party might not win it this year, but we could be seeing the shift away from a two party system unfolding.
The system [in U.S.] is designed for a two-party system. And those two parties have an interest in keeping third parties out. There's too much of the structure that works in the two-party way. They will keep the third party out.
In America, we have a two-party system, and the American Constitution is a piece of brilliance, but they did not know when they set it up we would just have a two-party system. It just so happens that our electorate pushed towards the two-party system because it's a very good way to govern.
The two-party system has served America very well. We always have political movements one way or another but the evolution of a lasting third party probably will not happen.
There is no real third party in America. There's this one party that has two sides to it - the Democratic and Republican side. It's one party that has two heads.
We don't need a two-party system. We need something else. Because at this point, the two-party system is really just a one-party system. And that one party is crumbling.
I have been saying for the some time now that America has only one party - the property party. It's the party of big corporation, the party of money. It has two right wings; one is Democrat and the other is Republican.
I think the executives have matured enough so that they recognize that we have a two-party system. In California, we have more than a two-party system.
We have a two-party system: The Democratic Party, which is a party of no ideas, and the Republican Party, which is a party of bad ideas.
I'm rarely wrong but I could be. There might be a third party. I just think that the realization that Hillary Clinton, the Democratic Party posed the greatest threat to our future, children, grandchildren, all of that, is going to bring everybody back to reality.
'The New York Times' breathlessly writes about the left-of-center Americans Elect being a 'new third party,' but we already have a third party: the Libertarian Party.
Our two-party system is a fraud, a sham, a delusion. On foreign policy, trade, immigration, Big Government, we have one-party government, one party press; and conservatives are being played for suckers.
Real poetry is a party, a wild party, a party where anything might happen. A party from which you may never return home.
I think fully, that an independent candidate can't win in this country. The Constitution is structured for basically a two-party government, a two-party race.
I believe in a strong two-party system, and when one party is losing so spectacularly, it emboldens the other party to overreach and become a cartoon of itself, invoking awful things like - I'm just spit-balling here - child separation policies and trade wars.
Each political party in America contains people with a hodgepodge of beliefs. Their given positions on a topic may shift slightly - or drastically - from year to year or day to day.
In all conversation between two persons, tacit reference is made, as to a third party, to a common nature. That third party or common nature is not social; it is impersonal; is God.
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