A Quote by Jill Stein

We need a new kind of offensive in the Middle East. It's called a peace offensive. — © Jill Stein
We need a new kind of offensive in the Middle East. It's called a peace offensive.
We call for a new kind of offensive in the Middle East because our current approach has a track record and it's not a good one.
I can't get upset about 'offensive to women' or 'offensive to blacks' or 'offensive to Native Americans' or 'offensive to Jews' ... Offend! I can't get worked up about it. Offend!
I don't care about Donald Trump himself. I care and I worry about the very big base that supports him because this kind of language would have been absolutely nonexistent maybe 15, 20 - by the way, I follow the American elections, and I have never seen someone who is that offensive. I have seen people who are stupid. But stupid and offensive, that's new.
Frosh-week songs are meant to be offensive because offensive is rebellious.
This argument that somehow I'm chasing the limelight is a bunch of nonsense, and it's offensive - highly offensive - to me.
My lyrics aren't offensive. Some people find everything offensive.
I will concede to you one thing - 'Hustler' is offensive, even to the point of being iconoclastic. That's our purpose - to be offensive.
I've been called 'Bruce Lee.' I've been called other less offensive, but equally stupid and racist kind of terms.
I find you offensive for finding me offensive
We want to be on the offensive without being offensive.
Peace in the Middle East has been on the Obama administration's mind from the beginning. Two days after his inauguration, the president traveled to the State Department to announce the appointment of George Mitchell as his Middle East peace negotiator.
The Big Ten has great offensive lines and great offensive-line coaching. It prepared me pretty well for the NFL.
Obviously the gospel was offensive to a lot of people and it was offensive to me at one point but that caused me to have a change of heart, to come to repentance and realise I was a sinner and needed a saviour.
I am very annoyed about this issue. Why can’t it be a choice? Why is that any less legitimate? It seems we’re just ceding this point to bigots who are demanding it, and I don’t think that they should define the terms of the debate. I also feel like people think I was walking around in a cloud and didn’t realize I was gay, which I find really offensive. I find it offensive to me, but I also find it offensive to all the men I’ve been out with.
To all the women that I've offended, I had no intention to be offensive, to violate any physical or emotional space. I was trying to establish personal relationships, but the combination of awkwardness and hubris led to behavior that I think many found offensive.
If you are offended by reading views that disagree with yours, then yes, you will be offended. However, it is not gratuitously offensive, it simply puts an argument, and if your views are strong enough, as I believe they are, you will be able to defend your views. You will not say, "Oh, it's offensive, it's offensive." You will say "No, you are wrong here and you are wrong here," and that's what you should do.
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