A Quote by Jill Stein

Right now we have a bipartisan debate commission, when most Americans are not members of the bipartisan establishment. — © Jill Stein
Right now we have a bipartisan debate commission, when most Americans are not members of the bipartisan establishment.
There is an analogy between conservation and education reform. The coalition around education reform is the biggest bipartisan thing going in this state right now. We need to recapture the big bipartisan spirit for conservation.
The two most frightening words in Washington are 'bipartisan consensus.' Bipartisan consensus is when my doctor and my lawyer agree with my wife that I need help.
The Spending Control Act. It would recreate President Reagan's grace commission to have a bipartisan commission on how we reduce spending.
The people we elect aren't bipartisan. The American public is bipartisan.
The medical device tax repeal is the only proposal that had the most bipartisan votes coming out of the House and has the opportunity in the Senate to gain tractions, and it fixes a part of ObamaCare in terms of repealing an awful tax. And it's got bipartisan support.
When you have... bipartisan support, it shouldn't devolve into a bipartisan fight.
In the House, I was named one of the most bipartisan members of Congress, and that's a title I plan on continuing to hold in the Senate.
We're seeing the convergence of a big, corporate party right now. A sort of bipartisan merger under the figure of Hillary Clinton.
We must work together as Americans in a bipartisan fashion.
We must maintain strong building codes, strengthen flood insurance programs, and forcefully acknowledge the reality that rising sea temperatures caused by made-man climate change are negatively impacting our way of life. This should be a bipartisan task that finds support with bipartisan solutions.
A January 6th commission needs to be truly bipartisan, and that means not only at the member level, but also at the staff level.
Well, we have a crisis along the Mexican border right now, a state of emergency as declared by a bipartisan group of Texas House members just last fall. You know, we've had almost 200,000 OTMs - the government categorizes OT 'other, other than Mexicans' - along the Mexican border.
One bipartisan policy tradition is to deny Americans the use of our own resources.
Israel has, enjoys bipartisan support - both Democrats and Republicans - and we extend bipartisan hospitality to both Democrats and Republicans.
The review process was conducted in an extremely bipartisan manner. Minority members of the Judiciary Committee were responsible for the invitation of 1/3 of the witnesses who appeared.
Our focus should be on finding a bipartisan solution to healthcare that makes it more affordable and accessible to all Americans.
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