A Quote by Jill Stein

I'd say putting another Clinton in the White House is only going to make that right-wing extremism greater. We will see more of these neoliberal policies, like Wall Street deregulation, like the Trans-Pacific Partnership, which Hillary has always supported. She's changed her tune a little bit, but Hillary has walked the walk.
Hillary Clinton has supported virtually every trade agreement that has been destroying our middle class. She supported NAFTA and she supported China's entrance into the World Trade Organization, another one of her husband's colossal mistakes and disasters. She supported the job-killing trade deal with South Korea. She supported the Trans-Pacific Partnership which will not only destroy our manufacturing, but it will make America subject to the rulings of foreign governments. And it's not going to happen.
Hillary Clinton and the policies of Hillary and Bill - passed by Bill, but enthusiastically supported and promoted by Hillary - have really created this right-wing extremism that has produced Donald Trump.
The two reasons that Bernie Sanders gave her fits was the Iraq War and her association with Wall Street. Wall Street owns Hillary Clinton. Wall Street has bought Hillary Clinton and whatever policy considerations she can give them if she gets elected. They have bought her already. That's what all the speech income is really all about.
She [Hillary Clinton] and Bill [Clinton] supported the NAFTA, the adoption of NAFTA that sent our jobs overseas, and they both supported Wall Street deregulation, which laid the groundwork for the disappearance of 9 million jobs and the theft of 5 million homes.
Paul Ryan is the mercenary champion of Hillary Clinton's - this is Hillary Clinton's. This came out of the State Department. This Trans Pacific Partnership is going to export our jobs. It's going to import foreign workers to replace Americans and our jobs.
America needs an ineffective president. That's much better than an effective president that's going to go to war with Russia, that's going to push for the Trans-Pacific Partnership, that's going to protect Wall Street, and that's going to oppose neoliberal austerity. I would much rather have an ineffective president than someone who's going to do these bad things that I fear is going to come from Hillary and the Democratic Party.
There's no question that frankly Hillary Clinton took positions that she never had before because of this political movement. If you look at her opposition to the Trans-Pacific Partnership, which she had previously repeatedly called the gold standard, she now says she's against it.
Speaking as somebody who voted against TPA and has a lot of suspicions about Trans Pacific Partnership that are reflected in our concerns about what's hurting the American economy and what the opportunity is to grow, I have to say I like a person like Hillary Clinton who is willing to analyze the facts. I have met no one smarter than her in politics.
Hillary Clinton wanted the wall on the border. Hillary Clinton fought for the wall in 2006 or thereabouts. Now, she never gets anything done, so naturally the wall wasn't built. But Hillary Clinton wanted the wall.
Hillary Clinton wants to approve the Trans-Pacific Partnership; that deal will be a disaster for North Carolina, for every state. Your state.
You know that if you [Hillary Clinton] did win, you would approve that [Trans-Pacific Partnership], and that will be almost as bad as NAFTA. Nothing will ever top NAFTA.
When Hillary Clinton was in the Clinton White House as first lady, the left - the right accused her of being wide eyed radical lesbian feminist and in some issues, like welfare reform, she pushed back against the new .
I`m talking about the presidential nominee on the Democratic side. Hillary Clinton is corrupt. And she`s lied. And she`s under another criminal investigation. I have yet to hear Hillary Clinton distance herself from a lot of the awful anti-police rhetoric that comes out of some of her supporters. She just sort of ignores it like she didn`t hear it.
I do think that she [Hillary Clinton] will prove that she's the best, whether she's in the White House or somewhere else. I think it will very much be a historic moment, when we are able to say that we actually have done something like put a woman in the White House. Its very interesting to think about considering its taken us long as it has.
How do you, on the one hand, not object to Hillary Clinton being elected, and then, on the other hand, tell people, "Elect me to stop her"? It seems like they're giving themselves a really tough position to occupy here, be they governors, senators, congressional members of the House of Representatives. They want to stop Hillary but not enough to keep her out of the White House. "So she'll get in there, but you need to elect us to put the brakes on her."
You may hate Hillary Clinton and you may have good reason for hating Hillary Clinton, but Hillary Clinton is one person who even if she's elected will be gone one day and you still have the task of keeping American democracy going.
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