A Quote by Jim Acosta

Members of the press have been so savaged by Trump and his propagandists in the media that journalists seem almost foreign or anti-American to his supporters. — © Jim Acosta
Members of the press have been so savaged by Trump and his propagandists in the media that journalists seem almost foreign or anti-American to his supporters.
Even if Donald Trump had lost the 2016 election, instead of won it in a surprise, the media's coverage of his campaign and supporters would have been a horrific failure. They presented that race as unwinnable for Trump and as if his support was inexplicable.
Anti-Trump criticisms fail in part because his opponents don't understand what actually motivates his supporters.
One primary reason is, [Donald Trump's] supporters didn't care - and, in fact (and frustratingly so), his supporters ate it up. His supporters loved it.
We, as a country, cannot allow ourselves to become numb to this. We, as a media, cannot shrug it off as old news, because the real danger here is that, when Donald Trump lies to his supporters about the others who are trying to steal the election, some of his supporters believe him.
There was a near-universal set of editorial endorsements of Clinton. Trump used this disparity to his advantage, to claim media bias and unify his base of supporters.
Looking back, Mr. Trump's exploitation of the term 'fake news' to smear journalists was the single most consequential thing he did during the transition period. He built the scaffolding for his supporters to reject any and all information that wasn't Trump-approved.
Trump is somebody who sees the media as basically his main constituency. So much of his self-worth and his image and his view of what the presidency should be about is the media and how he is reflected in the media.
The problem with Donald Trump was that he had no filter. There may have not been a single thought he left unexpressed or failed to share with the American public during his first term - at least until Biden's buddies in Big Tech censored and deplatformed him and his supporters.
Trump and his supporters often lambast news sources such as CNN as being the 'fake-news media' whose only goal is to take him down, and they're really doing themselves no favors when they say things that seem to support that.
The left, led by the news media, has been telling us practically from the day that Donald Trump announced his candidacy that he would be a complete disaster, particularly in foreign affairs and foreign relations around the world, and even more particularly in the Middle East. And, instead, we see the rave reception that President Trump is getting everywhere he is going, the profound respect.
If anti-Trump activists in journalism and politics want to put out stories that actually change Trump supporters' opinions, they will have to begin to understand what Trump supporters' opinions are.
Trump doesn't need to spend a dime to get his message out. Trump doesn't have to run an ad. Trump doesn't have to run a series. He doesn't have to pay people to show up. He doesn't have to buy TV advertising, because he gets more coverage than the combined advertising the rest of the Republicans could buy. And aside from the overwhelming, significant upset that is, the very fact of all that ticks them off. Donald Trump has direct access to his supporters. And you know who gives it to him? The media.
Much of the media failed to anticipate the potential Trump represented as a disruptive populist force, understand why his supporters trusted him, or offer honest reporting on the underlying trends that made his rise possible.
There hasn't been a leak from one of the associates of the king saying, "This guy Trump, he already insulted us wanting ketchup with his steak, and then he wanted two scoops of ice cream on the falafel. It's not done. This guy's an absolute barbarian." And there hasn't been a leak from an associate of King Salman telling somebody in the Drive-By Media that Donald Trump looked at his son, the prince, and said, "Man, I hope you live a long time 'cause your son's a nut job." We haven't had leaks like this about the Trump foreign trip.
George Bush says what John Kerry did was noble. Yet he sees him being savaged by his own supporters.
Trump knows how to play the media all on his own. He creates his own Twitter feed and uses it. He knows how to get the media's attention without the benefit of a state-controlled media. He does it all on his own. Trump understands how a free media works.
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