A Quote by Jim Costa

For decades, Japan has been a friend and reliable trading partner with the United States, and I anticipate that relationship will prosper. — © Jim Costa
For decades, Japan has been a friend and reliable trading partner with the United States, and I anticipate that relationship will prosper.
The biggest trading partner of the United States is not West Germany or Japan, it's right here.
The United States is a key ally, a strategic partner, and a reliable friend of the Philippines.
In regards to the United States, Canadians expect me to stand up for our values and defend our interests and to have a constructive relationship with our largest trading partner and closest neighbour.
The United States is already Mexico's largest trading partner.
I am convinced that China needs to be a strong trading partner with the United States long term.
Mexico is an important trading partner, it's the number one trading partner for the state of Texas. We have had dealings with them, shared a border with them. We have had our challenges, but at the end of the day we want a good relationship with Mexico.
A durable, long-term U.S.-China strategic relationship is even more important now than in previous decades. The relationship will continue to grow and prosper to the mutual benefit of all peoples.
Canada has no closer friend, partner, and ally than the United States. We look forward to working very closely with President-elect Trump, his administration, and with the United States Congress in the years ahead, including on issues such as trade, investment, and international peace and security.
The transatlantic relationship is vital for both our countries: France will remain a reliable ally of the United States. Nevertheless, ally does not mean aligned.
As prime minister, Canadians expect me to do two things: To stand up for Canadian interests and project Canadian values; and to have a good, constructive relationship with our largest trading partner and closest neighbor, the United States. Those two things are not incompatible. It requires a very deliberate strategy and approach, but I think we've done that.
The Cuban people must know that they have a friend and partner in the United States of America.
I will aim to restore the Japan-U.S. alliance and Japan's strong diplomatic capabilities. Japan can't pursue a strong foreign policy without strengthening its alliance with the United States.
On the economy, the U.S. cumulatively is our most important investor, most important trading partner, most important sort of tourists, and we have now a tie that will... a link that will be here for many, many years to come, and that is the big Philippine-American community in the United States - three million of them.
The President is of opinion that if Japan makes a treaty with the United States, all other foreign countries will make the same kind of a treaty, and Japan will be safe thereafter.
It's overwhelmingly in the self-interest of the United States of America to have a secure, democratic friend, a strategic partner like Israel.
Our bilateral relations are very good, they’re very close. In the areas of business, of the economy, the United States of America last year were our most important trading partner.
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