A Quote by Jim Kelly

I just take it day by day, and I hope one day I can say I feel good - not just be cancer free, but just feel good. I'm just living every day to the fullest: I enjoy myself, I have fun, and I pray every day that it doesn't come back.
Involve yourself every day. Work hard and figure out how to love acting all day, every day. It's getting into a made-up situation and making it good and making it real and just playing, just practicing and playing. Like the musicians that I played piano with: they never expect to be rich or famous, but they, for the sheer joy of it, play every day, all day.
I can act every single day because I love it; it's just so liberating. It might be rare, but there are certain moments when you really don't feel like yourself. When you are in the character so fully, it's the best feeling ever. I so love it. Even if those moments come just once a day or every other day, they are just worth it.
What I love about this job is it's literally a different day every single day, isn't it? One day you're a nurse, the next day you're in a band - you can just make it up. I'm just a big kid, and that's really what this job is - just playing dress-up every day.
Take every day, love every day, enjoy every day, even if you have a crappy day, find the fun things in it.
We have to make good use of the time we have. That simple. We have to wake up every day, knowing that it's not just an ordinary day. We have to take the moment, seize each day.
Every day that we wake up is a good day. Every breath that we take is filled with hope for a better day. Every word that we speak is a chance to change what is bad into something good.
I'll always come back to comedy. Doing drama can feel satisfying, but day to day, it's just not as fun as laughing.
I just take it one day at a time, try to forget about what I did the day before. Go out there like every day is Opening Day.
Just go out there and play every day. Every day is a new day. Every day is the same day. You've got to just be ready to play.
You've got to validate every day. There are those who just put a stamp on it and say, "This is gonna be a good day and I'm not gonna let anything else make it a bad day."
You never think about what life's going to be like five years down the road or 10 - you just go though the day and try to make good decisions. Sometimes you do, sometimes you don't. You just hope this day will be a good day.
When my sitcom 'Miranda' first became successful, I was so in the thick of working and I was so stressed that I didn't really enjoy the moment. You suddenly look back and go, 'Gosh, you've just got to enjoy every day.' And now I wake up and literally pinch myself every day.
I was working with D'Mile - he's amazing! And I don't know, it was like that guitar riff was so crazy to me, and so I think I was frustrated about something that happened earlier and I feel like I'm just a good guy, I don't cut people off, I don't really call people out when they do stuff that they should be called out on, and I'm just always the one being the bigger person. So, that day "Gangster" just came out. That's just how I feel in that day to day life.
Actually, I jade very quickly. Once is usually enough. Either once only, or every day. If you do something once it’s exciting, and if you do it every day it’s exciting. But if you do it, say, twice or just almost every day, it’s not good any more.
The past few years have been absolutely incredible and I feel so blessed to have the privilege of sharing even more music. 'Beautiful Day,' although a fun song, has a message saying that in spite of what we're going through, every day is a good day and an incredible gift because God made it. In my young life I've learned that every day can begin with worshipping my Creator.
Some days are just bad days, that's all. You have to experience sadness to know happiness, and I remind myself that not every day is going to be a good day, that's just the way it is!
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