A Quote by Jim Rohn

Ask yourself, 'how long am I going to work to make my dreams come true?' I suggest you answer, 'as long as it takes.' — © Jim Rohn
Ask yourself, 'how long am I going to work to make my dreams come true?' I suggest you answer, 'as long as it takes.'
People often ask me if I know the secret of success and if I could tell others how to make their dreams come true. My answer is, you do it by working.
You can't just will your dreams to come true. You have to work hard. You have to give 'em wings, arms, legs...whatever it takes to make your dreams come true.
I know how long it takes me to draw a page, how long it takes me to complete a project, how long I can work before my hand gives out, that sort of thing.
The next time you're looking at a charity, don't ask about the rate of their overhead; ask about the scale of their dreams - their Apple-, Google-, Amazon-scale dreams - how they measure their progress toward those dreams, and what resources they need to make them come true, regardless of what the overhead is.
A student might ask, how long will it take to learn guitar..., the answer is, as long as you live - that short.
Even if you have the talent, you still have to push yourself. I don't think dreams magically appear, that's why they're called dreams. But if you do want to make that dream a reality, then you have to push yourself. It takes a lot of hard work, and if you don't have the focus, then it's going to be all the harder. If you have a big dream, it takes all of the above to achieve it: passion, the focus and the effort.
Just always believe in yourself... and dreams - and dreams do come true. For me to play in the same city I grew up in, I mean... I'm definitely blessed. But just always believe in yourself. And work hard. And dreams definitely come true.
I've been around long enough to know that empires come and empires go, and I can't tell how long the Google empire is going to last - but I'm pretty convinced that the answer is less than forever.
Be undeniably good. When people ask me how do you make it in show business or whatever, what I always tell them & nobody ever takes note of it 'cause it's not the answer they wanted to hear-what they want to hear is here's how you get an agent, here's how you write a script, here's how you do this-but I always say, “Be so good they can't ignore you.” If somebody's thinking, “How can I be really good?” people are going to come to you. It's much easier doing it that way than going to cocktail parties.
I don't like downtime, and I just am too insecure that I'll not work again if I don't start the ball rolling on the next round of things. Everything takes so long to make and come to fruition.
Ask yourself: Where am I? Answer: Here. Ask yourself: What time is it? Answer: Now. Say it until you can hear it.
So long as there are poor, - I am poor, - So long as there are prisons, - I am a prisoner, - So long as there are sick, - I am weak, - So long as there is ignorance, - I must learn the truth, - So long as there is hate, - I must love, - So long as there is hunger, - I am famished. - Such is the identification Our Divine Lord would have us make with all whom He made in love and for love.
Hurl yourself at goals above your head and bear the lacerations that come when you slip and make a fool of yourself. Try always, as long as you have breath in your body, to take the hard way–and work, work, work to build yourself into a rich, continually evolving entity.
I feel that as long as you keep running towards your dreams and wish, they'll come true one day. Hard work will not betray ourselves
People ask me why I don't paint oils. It takes too long. Cleaning brushes in linseed oil, and it takes six months to really dry, and all this. I don't have that kind of time. I work with acrylic. It's water based. You can clean it under water. If you spill it on yourself, you just throw it in the washing machine.
As long as there are teenage girls, there will be boy bands. It's a question of how long it takes them to get their music together to come out.
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