A Quote by Jimmy Fallon

Hillary Clinton has a $350 billion plan that she says will make college more affordable. Which has to be better than my parents' plan to make college affordable: 'Be good at sports.'
Making college affordable is a really important goal, and my plan will work better than Senator [Bernie] Sanders' plan by everybody who has looked at it.
We have to do more to make it easier for parents to balance work and family. If you left college with a ton of loans, it`s not enough just to make college more affordable. You need help right now with the debt you already have.
I've always cared about education, and I worked with Senator Schumer on making several thousand dollars of college tuition tax deductible. That will help a lot of your middle class families make college more affordable.
It seems everyone knows a college degree is important, but few have a plan to keep it affordable.
At a time when the average student is graduating from a four-year college $27,000 in debt, when hundreds of thousands of capable young people no longer see college as an option because of high costs and when the U.S. is falling further and further behind our economic competitors in terms of the percentage of young people graduating from college, no agreement should be passed which, over a period of years, makes a bad situation worse and will make college even less affordable than it is today.
I believe in affordable college, but I don't believe in free college, because every expert that I have talked to says, look, how will you ever control the costs.
I want to make college debt-free and for families making less than $125,000, you will not get a tuition bill from a public college or university if the plan that I worked on with Bernie Sanders is enacted.
When we make college more affordable, we make the American dream more achievable.
I have a robust plan to help make quality child care more affordable. It will include an exclusion from taxes of the average amount paid for child care, including a long-overdue recognition of the contributions of parents who stay home to provide care.
How can you have an educated workforce, how do you equal the economic disparities in this country, if you can't make college more affordable for those who are struggling to make it?
I think that there's an important point to make if you're running for president, which is that you tell the American people how you would handle a crisis. She [Hillary Clinton] is saying here's what I would do in terms of air power, in terms of dealing with the enemy. Donald Trump never says a word. He just says, "I've got a secret plan." He impugns the president .
We need to make college affordable in price, and also have lower-cost student loans and more available grants for students.
Do we substantially increase military spending and prepare for endless war in the middle-east, or do we make college affordable for all Americans, regardless of income. My answer: I will soon be introducing legislation that will make public colleges and universities tuition free.
I tried all my life to make housing affordable. The more affordable the house, the more money I make.
So far, I have looked and looked for a detailed plan from Hillary Clinton's campaign that can tell me where she really stands, but there is none. It is difficult to trust that a candidate will be the right one for our community when you don't exactly know what their plan is.
I think about my own career, and when I graduated from college, the Internet didn't really exist yet. And so not having a specific plan, being able to be opportunistic at the end, is what enabled me to make some of my best decisions, which is to go to places that were growing but that I didn't plan to have happen.
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