A Quote by Jimmy Gomez

To me, 'the establishment' means people who are out of touch with the people they're elected to represent. — © Jimmy Gomez
To me, 'the establishment' means people who are out of touch with the people they're elected to represent.
Winning means some kind of approval of the Establishment which means people will more readily accept me, may be less frightened of me and other people who speak out.
Hillary Clinton does represent the establishment. I represent, I hope, ordinary Americans, and by the way, who are not all that enamored with the establishment, but I am very proud to have people like Keith Ellison and Raul Grijalva in the House, the co-chairmen of the House Progressive Caucus.
I represent poor people, I represent working people. I represent senior citizens. I represent family businesses. I represent people who don't have the wherewithal to hire overpriced Washington lobbyists and lawyers. I want to send the powers back to the states and the people.
I wasn't elected to avoid conflict. I was elected to represent the people of the 2nd District.
I'm not really a big fan of the idea that getting elected to public office means you get to live lavishly on the taxpayer's dime, in some mansion away from the people you represent.
I've failed those I care most about and let down the people who elected me to represent them.
One of the statistics that always amazes me is the approval of the Chinese government, not elected, is over 80 percent. The approval of the U.S. government, fully elected, is 19 percent. Well, we elected these people and they didn't elect those people. Isn't it supposed to be different? Aren't we supposed to like the people that we elected?
A lot of people disagree with me on this, but the people who want somebody not of Washington, it's serious this time. It's - the disconnect between the Republican Party establishment and the Democrat establishment and the people of this country is longer, broader, wider than I've ever seen it.
Even if Donald Trump wins, the establishment's not gonna go down a hole. The establishment's not gonna slink away in defeat. The establishment is gonna look at this as one inexperienced buffoon who happened to get elected versus all of them who know the ropes inside and out of Washington, and they're gonna make it their objective to deny this guy anything and everything that represents anything he campaigned on.
To me non-violence has come to represent a panacea for all the evils that surround my people, and, therefore, I am devoting all my energies towards the establishment of a society that should be based on its principles of truth and peace.
For me, to represent people who represent the future of Canada and the great challenges we will face over the coming decades - this is where I wanted to start. I'm a teacher; I'm a convenor; I'm a gatherer; I'm someone who reaches out to people and is deeply interested in what they have to say. And people see that I'm not faking it. I'm actually genuinely committed to this dialogue that we're opening up, and this understanding that needs to happen in order to be an effective MP.
Violence has no constitutional sanction; and every government from the beginning has moved against it. But where grievances pile high and most of the elected spokesmen represent the Establishment, violence may be the only effective response.
President Obama and Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi represent what mainstream America is rejecting about Washington, D.C. And that is this out of touch with the people.
The political world is changing rapidly. What the establishment has learned, what the Democratic establishment, the Republican establishment, the media establishment, is the world is not quite what they thought it was. With the middle class disappearing, with people working longer hours for lower rages, with people worried about the future of their children, what you are seeing is a lot of discontent at the grassroots level all over this country. And that's what's going on right now.
Even as the leader of the party, my first duty always is to the people who elected me, my first duty always is going to be to represent the people of this riding in Ottawa.
[Let's talk about] Donald Trump. What does he represent in the American mind and in the European mind? He represents American white trash, [which Hillary Clinton called] 'deplorable and irredeemable'. It means from an establishment or educated cosmopolitan, urbane perspective, these people are like the red necks, and you can never deal with them.
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