This is God's world, not Satan's. Christians are the lawful heirs, not non-Christians.
We don't like what we don't know or understand. Parents don't like the thought of their kids embracing social media because they don't fully understand the benefits and dangers.
Practise wonder today - be present, begin again, know nothing, and allow everything to surprise you, inspire you, excite you, entertain you, teach you. Be fully open to life, today, and let yourself live wonder-fully.
There are too many Republicans that believe it, too. And is it any wonder that they have acted on occasion like defeated, hopeless waifs? I mean, they read and absorb everything the Drive-By Media says, and they believe it, too. And of course the Drive-By Media is routinely making fun of them and talking how hopeless they are and what a distant minority they are - and to be shocked and stunned by this, you wonder if any lessons have been learned.
I'm not sure I'll ever fully understand why some Christians get mad when we say that the ultimate hero in the Bible is not Noah, Abraham, Moses, David, Paul, etc... but Jesus.
I think that it's important for people to understand that there's a lot of mystery left in the world, there's a lot of wonder left in the world and there are places that we don't fully understand.
Many, many people hereabouts are not becoming Christians for one reason only: there is nobody to make them Christians.
Treasured Pagan Deities were misrepresented and distorted by the Christians for political and religious gain. Dressing their own Satan, who has remained one of the most opressive symbols of evil in our time, in the horned antlers of Cernunnos, a revered Celtic God, was one of the more recognizable ways Christians robbed Pagans of their way of life.
What the media wants and what the media demands of Christians is very simply this: your silence.
Study Bibles tend to circulate widely, so they play a disproportionate role in helping Christians and others understand holy Scripture. Further, many of our members have long used one or two other Study Bibles, and it is important that Christians not be tied too tightly to only one option, however good it may be.
Pakistan is not going to be a theocratic State - to be ruled by priests with a divine mission. We have many non-Muslims - Hindus, Christians, and Parsis - but they are all Pakistanis. They will enjoy the same rights and privileges as any other citizens and will play their rightful part in the affairs of Pakistan.
Many Christians understand the Bible to be a collection of stories without an overarching narrative.
There is nothing so deluded as feelings. Christians cannot live by feelings. Let me further tell you that many feelings are the work of Satan, for they are not right feelings. What right have you to set up your feelings against the Word of Christ?
There are Christians who think and speak altogether too much about the power of Satan. They think of their adversary, they pray about him, they talk about him, and he looms up greater and greater in their imagination. It is true that Satan is a powerful being; but, thank God, we have a mighty Saviour, who cast out the evil one from heaven. Satan is pleased when we magnify his power. Why not talk of Jesus? Why not magnify His power and His love?
And when and Eve submitted unto Satan they are the ones that empowered Satan. In a sense Man made Satan. God created Lucifer but Man made Satan.
Satan the envious said with a sigh: Christians know more about their hell than I