A Quote by Jimmy Swaggart

I have sinned against you, my Lord. — © Jimmy Swaggart
I have sinned against you, my Lord.

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I have sinned against You, my Lord, and I would ask that your precious blood would wash and cleanse every stain until it is in the seas of God's forgiveness.
He who has never sinned is less reliable than he who has only sinned once.
I have sinned against my brother the ass.
I am a man more sinned against than sinning
In truth, there is no such thing as a "sinner" for no-one can be sinned against-least of all me.
There are different kinds of wrong. The people sinned against are not always the best.
Nor can the Apostle mean that Eve only sinned; or that she only was Deceived, for if Adam sinned willfully and knowingly, he became the greater Transgressor.
Every mind was made for growth, for knowledge, and its nature is sinned against when it is doomed to ignorance.
I have sinned enough against the world. Teaching magic to a kender would ensure my damnation. —Raistlin Majere
Remember, when you're sinned against its tempting to respond sinfully. Don't give in, talk to your heart and seek the grace of Jesus.
If thou hast sinned, lie not down without repentance; for the want of repentance, after one has sinned, makes the heart yet harder and harder.
Somebody must show that the Afro-American race is more sinned against than sinning, and it seems to have fallen upon me to do so.
It is a strange thing that both the injurer and the injured, the sinner and he who is sinned against, should find in the mass movement an escape from a blemished life.
Neither angel, nor archangel, nor yet even the Lord Himself (who alone can say "I am with you"), can, when we have sinned, release us, unless we bring repentance with us.
For the eyes of the Lord are upon the righteous, and his ears are open to their prayer. But the face of the Lord is against those that do evil.
[Hermes addresses Prometheus :] To you, the clever and crafty, bitter beyond all bitterness, who has sinned against the gods in bestowing honors upon creatures of a day--to you, thief of fire, I speak.
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