A Quote by Jo Koy

I got a big Filipino family. That's what I love about being Pinoy: we all gotta surround ourselves with family; we all gotta laugh and do things together. I love it! It's family first.
I'm really proud of the way that 'Pose' has brought people's families together and touched people's hearts and opened people's minds. It's really incredible to see. It's a show about love and family, and it highlights what it really means to have a family and to be a family and to love your family.
I was raised in a dominantly Filipino family. I didn't know I was 'mixed' until I got older and started asking questions about my grandparents, the origins of our middle and last names. We were kind of textbook Pinoys. A lot of the Filipino stereotypes that were joked about by me and my friends rang very true with my family.
Family matters. Family are the only people who will tell you when you're getting off the tracks a little. Surround yourself with people who love theLord, love themselves and love you, and you can't really fail.
What is a family without love? And by family I don't just mean a packed kitchen table with a hoard of children around it. A family can be made up of any number of people. Me and my fiancee are our own little family, a family of two (and the dog!), and our love is at the heart of that.
We build deep and loving family relationships by doing simple things together, like family dinner and family home evening and by just having fun together. In family relationships love is really spelled t-i-m-e, time. Taking time for each other is the key for harmony at home. We talk with, rather than about, each other. We learn from each other, and we appreciate our differences as well as our commonalities. We establish a divine bond with each other as we approach God together through family prayer, gospel study, and Sunday worship.
A lot of things come with fame, whether it's losing friends or losing family. You still gotta stand up and be that guy even when you ain't having great things. Because you've gotta be the spokesperson for your people.
When I was growing up, we always had a big family dinner at around noon on Sunday. I still love that whenever it is possible to gather the family together.
I'm not into those shows like "hey everybody, gather round the TV, let's watch The Simpsons!" I'm not one of those guys: "I gotta get home, man, Family Guy's on! I gotta race to my TV before I miss the episode of Family Guy!" I'm not one of those guys.
Blood is thicker than water, but family isn’t just about blood. Family is about faith, and loyalty, and who you love. If you don’t have those things, I don’t care what the blood says. You’re not family.
The worst thing a man can admit is 'I'm not 100 percent fulfilled by my family.' But it doesn't mean he doesn't love his family. I love my family, but I still want to work; I still want challenges. It took me a while to fall in love with the responsibility of family life, and it was a deep thing when I did.
Family was even a bigger word than I imagined, wide and without limitations, if you allowed it, defying easy definition. You had family that was supposed to be family and wasn't, family that wasn't family but was, halves becoming whole, wholes splitting into two; it was possible to lack whole, honest love and connection from family in lead roles, yet to be filled to abundance by the unexpected supporting players.
I got family in the U.K. on my dad's side of the family. My grandfather's brother moved to the U.K. from Jamaica. It's a pretty big family I'll have there.
I think that in any family - black, white, Chinese, Spanish, whatever - family is family. You know that there's dysfunction, and that there's this cousin who doesn't like this auntie. But, at the end of the day, like I say, love brings everybody together.
When I met my wife, I was forty-six, and it was love at first sight. Every day, my love grew deeper as I found out about her family values, that her parents were still together, that she wanted kids. So we fell in love, got engaged, got married, and a month later, we were pregnant!
I'm a true country Southern girl that has always been built around family, cookouts and gatherings and being together on the holidays, singing together and laughing together. So whenever God opened doors for me to be able to travel the world and sing and do all the great things that I've done, I didn't want to lose that part so family first for me.
I'm gonna go hard no matter what because I gotta feed my family, and I gotta feed myself.
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