A Quote by Joan Crawford

I was a strict disciplinarian, perhaps too strict at times, but my God, without discipline what is life? — © Joan Crawford
I was a strict disciplinarian, perhaps too strict at times, but my God, without discipline what is life?
There couldn't be better parents than mine, loving yet strict. They disciplined with love. A child without discipline is, in away, a lost child. You cannot have freedom without discipline.
Sir Larry could be very strict and a disciplinarian, too. He had many faces; he wore many hats. But, ultimately, he loved the theater and he loved actors.
All that the Lord requires of us is strict obedience to the laws of life. All the sacrifice that the Lord asks of his people is strict obedience to our own covenants that we have made with our God, and that is to serve him with an undivided heart.
He cannot be strict in judging, who does not wish others to be strict judges of himself.
My parents were strict with school, strict with grades. I had piano classes, horseback riding, dance.
There was something of the schoolteacher about Fabio Capello, which made him difficult to warm to, let alone talk to. He was a real disciplinarian, a very stern, strict man.
One of my strict, strict rules is a no auto-tune policy.
My mum was quite strict, so I was in a very strict household.
The way I was parented did affect my parenting - probably in the reverse. My dad was pretty strict, and the next generation probably wants to be less strict.
Dad was a strict disciplinarian and would give us a wallop with a wooden spoon if we were out of order. But we really respected him - he didn't try to be our best friend.
I was not the pampered baby, no. I'm five years younger, and my parents were actually very strict with me, more strict than with the other ones.
My dad used to give me a lot of spankings. Anything I did wrong, he was on me. I was raised by a strict disciplinarian. He kind of laid down the law.
I grew up very strict vegan. My dad didn't allow me or any of my siblings to eat any meat, no cheese, no candy even. He was super strict about that sort of stuff. I think that's one of the reasons I manage to be so healthy and take all these gnarly slams without breaking any bones: I think the main thing is being raised without drinking any soda.
My nana was strict and didn't express a lot, so naturally, I was scared of him. I would even get the usual 'strict-father' scolding if I didn't study or stick to my curfew.
I still wanted to get into the NBA. I was still on the team, I was a starting point guard and I was on and off the team because of my grades. That was the thing, discipline, discipline, discipline, and then I was going home to a very strict dad. He ran the house like the military.
We've been agreeing on a strict immigration policy to Norway for a long time. It's supposed to be fair, but it's supposed to be strict.
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