A Quote by Joan Jett

I don't pay attention. I don't read stuff or message boards because you definitely get affected. You can read a hundred great comments, amazing comments, and have one bad one and that is all you can focus on and it wrecks your day. It says something about negativity and how it draws us somehow.
Whenever there's an interview with me, I might read it, but I don't read the comments because they're so hateful sometimes. When someone writes something nasty, I just think, "If that's your contribution to my day, I really don't need your impoliteness." I'm lucky that people are very cool with me and I get a lot of love. I appreciate that.
Today, I wanted to spend some time reading and responding to comments of fans on my Facebook page. Yes, there are great comments, but there are also a lot of people who are very opinionated and judgmental. So, initially, when I read these judgmental comments, I don't feel vulnerable, but rather I get defensive. But once I get past that anger, it sort of becomes hurt. It becomes pain.
I pretty much read reviews and comments only looking for the negative. Literally, when I read positive comments, it's like a zero. I think the issue is if you agree with it or not.
I had to stay off Twitter for a little bit, and I had to not read the comments or look at my at mentions because I was getting a lot of nasty comments. At the end of the day, it does get to you, and it does make me sad.
I think there's a danger with any great art, that if you begin to test your ideas on other people, and get their opinions before making decisions, or if you pay too much attention to what other people say about what you create, that it really pollutes your expression. I think that I'm much more about pure art and honesty and expressing exactly what I feel, and not caring so much what anyone says. However, I do respect, and I do pay attention to everyone's comments. And I do take them into consideration. But I don't base my decisions by it
I don't care about people kissing my ass or telling me how great I am. I don't really give a damn. I read the bad stuff a whole lot more than I read the good stuff. I read that because there are always going to be critics who are going to say how good you aren't.
I can feel so bad about myself, especially if I start to pay attention to the kinds of stupid comments around the Internet.
If I have one technology tip of the day, it's this: No matter how good the video on YouTube is, don't read the comments, just don't, because it will make you hate all humans.
I have tough skin. I don't really read any of the comments unless they are positive. I don't accept that much negativity in my life. It's not an option.
I've had to learn not to read all the bad comments, or if you do, try and not take it into your soul, body, brain, and heart.
It's really hard when people write nasty things about you all the time. As much as good things are said about you, it's always those one or two bad comments that really stay with you and gnaw at you. I try not to read that stuff if I can.
I don't read Internet comments because I have other things to do, like walk my dog. And I don't really like reading, so if you're going to hate on me, send me a video. I don't have time to read a whole novel about how I'm going to hell.
If there's an article about sexual assault, if there's a video about feminism on YouTube, you're going to get the most horrible, disgusting comments ever. And sometimes the comments are pornographic, and sometimes the comments are really harassing. So I think that it's kind of a difficult place for women to write sometimes.
People focus on the darker female characters in my books, but for every one of those, I can also show you an equally screwed up man that no one ever comments about, or a nicer woman that no one comments about.
Anderson [Cooper]first of all, in case anybody's wondering because they'll somehow read my mind after this broadcast ... I find those comments to be disgusting and reprehensible, and I'm really glad that he apologized.
It's easy to get spiraled into our phones, the computer screens and read these comments about yourself in the comment sections of photos or articles. And definitely in the modeling world, it's heightened. The trolls come through even more. It can be super hard.
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