A Quote by Joe Biden

Let me tell you what I literally told every world leader I've met with, and I've met them all: It's never, never, never been a good bet to bet against America. We have the finest fighting force in the world.
BET, I'll never, never, ever forget them for this wonderful blessing they gave to me, to be on the 10th annual BET awards for my comeback.
I would never bet against a side I'm playing in. I'd never bet against myself, ever.
- If I tell you, will you let met go? - You bet, partner. [...] - You promised! - Nope. I said "you bet." You did ... and you lost.
Bet you never eat, he says. Bet you drink up the oxygen like it's butter. Bet you can go for days on nothing but thoughts.
I bet you, if I had met Trotsky, and had had a chat with him, I would have found him a very interesting and human fellow, for I have never yet met a man I didn't like.
I cannot imagine where we would have been without BET. Many like me who operate in black America can only get our balanced story told nationally on BET talk shows.
It's never paid to bet against America.
My pappy told me never to bet my bladder against a brewery or get into an argument with people who buy ink by the barrel.
North Korea best not make any more threats to the United States. They will be met with fire and fury like the world has never seen. Kim Jong-un has been very threatening, beyond a normal statement. And as I said, they will be met with fire, fury and, frankly, power, the likes of which this world has never seen before.
My husband jokes that I'll invite people over for dinner and he won't know who they are or where I met them. But in my work world, I've never really been tempted to tell too much of my story.
Bet you ten bucks we make it." What are the odds? she thought, and realized with sudden, blinding clarity that she wouldn't take the other side of that bet, that only a loser would bet against them. This is really it, she thought, amazed. This is really forever. I believe in this. "Min?" he said, and she kissed him, putting all her heart into it. "No bet," she said against his mouth. "Your odds are too good." "Our odds are too good
It's never paid to bet against America. We come through things, but its not always a smooth ride.
I'd be willing to bet you, if I were a betting man, that I have never bet on baseball.
I'd be willing to bet you, if I was a betting man, that I have never bet on baseball.
Frankly, I would never ask a supporter to bet big on me if I wouldn't bet big on myself. It wouldn't be fair.
I've never had a mentor personally of any kind. It feels like, generally, in the writing world or the art world, it's more of a thing in America, because you have writing programs, which we don't have. You have these amazing writers who are teachers. I never did a writing program so I never met a writer until I was published. I guess I can't really explain my compulsion for writing these kind of mentor characters.
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