A Quote by Joel Osteen

Do yourself a favor; don’t wear yourself out trying to please everybody. Your time is too valuable. — © Joel Osteen
Do yourself a favor; don’t wear yourself out trying to please everybody. Your time is too valuable.
You can't please everybody. You['d] be crazy if you're trying to. So take some time out to do some things for yourself.
You can't please everybody. You'd be crazy if you're trying to. So take some time out to do some things for yourself.
Don't waste your energy trying to convince people to understand you. Your time is too valuable to try to prove yourself to people.
I don't expect everybody to like me. If you try to please everybody, by changing your position and your personality, every time you do that you lose a little bit of yourself.
This is a marathon in life. You can't be sprinting all the time or else you wear yourself out. You have to make sure you're taking care of yourself, keeping yourself grounded and not letting every little thing get you worked up.
Working solo means you don't have to account for anybody else. You do it yourself, so you're not trying to please others as well as yourself; you're just trying to do the best you can.
The feeling of being valuable is a cornerstone of self-discipline because when you consider yourself valuable you will take care of yourself- including things like using your time well. In this way, self-discipline is self-caring.
Be as honest with yourself as you possibly can. And it's not going to work for everybody, and I know you're going to be afraid of that, but please don't worry about being accepted by everybody. The people who like you and want to be around you, that's what matters, and that's what's healthiest for yourself.
Whatever you do, don't congratulate yourself too much, or berate yourself either. Your choices are half chance. So are everybody else's.
My top tip for looking your best is to dress for yourself, not for anyone else. Even working with a stylist, I wouldn't wear anything she told me to wear unless I was comfortable with it myself. That said, it's good to push yourself out of your style comfort zone every so often to make sure you try new things.
Forgive yourself for not being the richest, the thinnest, the tallest, the one with the best hair. Forgive yourself for not being the most successful, the cutest or the one with the fastest time. Forgive yourself for not winning every round. Forgive yourself for being afraid. But don’t let yourself off the hook, never forgive yourself, for not caring or not trying.
You cannot please everyone, and I think that what's important, ultimately, is to make sure you please yourself. If you start trying to please other people, you'll just go around in circles.
Love yourself not in some egocentric, self-serving sense but love yourself the way you would love your friend in the sense of taking care of yourself, nourishing yourself, trying to understand, comfort, and strengthen yourself.
When I was younger, I used to just want to please everybody and not want to be an issue or not be considered a diva. I've just grown up and realized you have to look out for yourself and stick up for yourself, and there's nothing wrong with that.
I think no matter what you do you can't please everybody. You have to ask yourself, "Did I do what I set out to do?"
No one goes on a direct path, even though it sometimes feels like your peers might be racing ahead. Everyone's trying to figure it out. But if you just put yourself out there, step out of your comfort zone, establish yourself in terms of skills, mentorship, but leave space for your passions, then you're going to turn out pretty well.
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