A Quote by Joel Osteen

Don't confuse small with insignificant. — © Joel Osteen
Don't confuse small with insignificant.
I have long been an advocate of starting an IoT journey with a small, low-risk project that can produce immediate benefits. But don't confuse small with non-strategic. Align each project, no matter how small, into your larger strategic vision.
Small does not mean insignificant.
I believe that no concern of ours is too small or insignificant.
I believe in the possible. I believe, small though we are, insignificant though we may be, we can reach a full understanding of the universe. You were right when you said you felt small, looking up at all that up there. We are very, very small, but we are profoundly capable of very, very big things.
My favourite thing about being in nature is that I feel so small and kind of insignificant.
The character of a whole society is the cumulative result of the countless small actions, day in and day out, of millions of persons. Who we are as a society, is the synergistic accumulation of who we are as individuals... Small changes that seem insignificant in isolation can be great contributions when they are simultaneously undertaken by many others.
As there is no insignificant work, there is not an insignificant leader. All leaders need training...not just a few.
The greatest part of each day, each year, each lifetime is made up of small, seemingly insignificant moments. Those moments may becooking dinner...relaxing on the porch with your own thoughts after the kids are in bed, playing catch with a child before dinner, speaking out against a distasteful joke, driving to the recycling center with a week's newspapers. But they are not insignificant, especially when these moments are models for kids.
It is better to be doing the most insignificant thing than to reckon even a half-hour insignificant.
Small daily - seemingly insignificant - improvements and innovations lead to staggering achievements over time.
One penny may seem to you a very insignificant thing, but it is the small seed from which fortunes spring.
God is concerned that Christians live consistent with their profession even in the seemingly small and insignificant areas of life.
I don't care what the stars say about how small we are. One, even the smallest, weakest, most insignificant one, matters.
Small, seemingly insignificant steps completed consistently over time will create a radical difference
God's heart is the most sensitive and tender of all. No act goes unnoticed, no matter how insignificant or small.
The title of Ultracrepidarian critics has been given to those persons who find fault with small and insignificant details.
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