A Quote by Joel Osteen

There's pros and cons of a big church. Cons is I don't get to know everybody, I don't get to go to their ballgame, I don't get to marry everybody, but the pros are you get all this community, 800 ushers come in to serve, getting there at 7 in the morning on their day off and coming in on Saturday to make all those wafers.
There's a million more pros than cons, for sure. Obviously, the privacy thing is a little different. It's not normal to wake up and have 12 paparazzi cars waiting outside to follow you to Starbucks in the morning. But, there's a lot more pros, and I'm willing to put up with those cons, for sure.
There are pros and cons to everything but especially with what I have chosen. There are cons - the privacy level and everything that comes with it - but I feel there are a lot more pros. And I am doing what I love to do, so I am not complaining at all.
They are definitely pros and cons to triple threat matches. The cons to them is obviously coming up wth something very original and making sure everything makes sense.
No one can understand my Mystery. The best you can do is to get immersed in it. It is no use your arguing about pros and cons; dive and know the depth; eat and know the taste.
If you are hardworking, talented, reasonably charming or good looking and determined, you have a chance to make it. There are pros and cons on both sides. In the end, the hard working and persistent ones are the ones that get 'lucky' - whether in or out of film families.
If you are trying to take a difficult decision and you're weighing up the pros and cons, you have frank conversations. Everybody knows this in their walk of life.
With the red hair, you get the white skin; it's a package deal. The cons are that you never look particularly attractive on the beach. The pros are in a softly lit room, you look pretty.
I know that there's pros and cons to everything.
I know the pros and cons of not being diplomatic.
I believe there are two types of decision-makers - those who lead with their gut and those who make lists of pros and cons, and fully anticipate the consequences.
There are pros and cons about the policy decision whether to follow the Geneva Conventions in a war where they do not legally apply. Among the pros might be benefits for America's image, its ability to argue in future conflicts that the Conventions should be followed, and training soldiers to follow only the Geneva standards. Among the cons might be greater security and safety for our troops who capture and detain al Qaeda operatives and the ability to gather more actionable intelligence swiftly.
I know there are pros and cons about the studio system.
I know the pros and cons of being absolutely blunt.
I get the most gratification in life by feeling like I'm doing something purposeful and meaningful and makes a difference to other people, and that comes with its pros and cons. I've accepted this is the kind of person that I am, and this is the path I've chosen in life - and I'm stickin' with it.
There are pros and cons of experience. A con is that you can't look at the business with a fresh pair of eyes and as objectively as if you were a new CEO. Fire yourself on a Friday night and come in on Monday morning as if a search firm put you there as a turn-around leader. Can you be objective and make the bold change?
In 'Stranger Things,' of course, I have all these kids around me and I feel like on a TV show, you're more connected with everyone already. But it's fun getting on a movie set and getting to know everyone. There're pros and cons to everything.
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