What government is the best? That which teaches us to govern ourselves.
[Ger., Welche Regierung die beste sei? Diejenige die uns lehrt uns selbst zu regieren.]
Beloved brother, let us not forget that man can never get away from himself.
[Ger., Lass uns, geliebter Bruder, nicht vergessen,
Dass von sich selbst der Mensch nicht scheiden kann.]
And future deeds crowded round us as the countless stars in the night.
[Ger., Und kunftige Thaten drangen wie die Sterne
Rings um uns her unzahlig aus der Nacht.]
The eternal feminine doth draw us upward.
[Ger., Das Ewig-Weibliche zieht uns hinan.]
The best government is that which teaches us to govern ourselves.
Which government is the best? The one that teaches us to govern ourselves.
Im Krieg machen die Starken die Schwachen zu Sklaven, im Frieden machen die Reichen die Armen zu Sklaven.
Live in such a way as, when you come to die, you will wish to have lived.
[Ger., Lebe, wie Du, wenn du stirbst,
Wunschen wirst, gelebt zu haben.]
Age childish makes, they say, but 'tis not true;
We're only genuine children still in Age's season.
[Ger., Das Alter macht nicht kindisch, wie man spricht,
Es findet uns nur noch als wahre Kinder.]
It is manlike to punish but godlike to forgive.
[Ger., Menschlich ist es bloss zu strafen
Aber gottlich zu verzeihn.]
I can promise to be upright, but not to be without bias.
[Ger., Aufrichtig zu sein kann ich versprechen; unparteiisch zu sein aber nicht.]
The mortal race is far too weak not to grow dizzy on unwonted brights.
[Ger., Das sterbliche Geschlecht ist viel zu schwach
In ungewohnter Hohe nicht zu schwindeln.]
It is an inwariable rule with the dealers to praise the bad points and let the good 'uns speak for themselves.
Who Honors those we love for the very life we live? Who sends monsters to kill us...and at the same time sings that we'll never die? Who teaches us what's real...and how to laugh at lies? Who decides why we live and what we'll die to defend? Who chains us...and who holds the key that can set us free? It's you. You have all the weapons you need. Now fight!
Rilke says: Verweilung, auch am Verstrautesten nicht, ist uns gegeben - We are not allowed to linger, even with what is most intimate.
We humans usually feel that we are the best at everything we do, that we can safely drive ourselves. But tens of thousands of people die every year. We need to be open to having technology assist us, to find ways in which technology makes us safer.
When we die to something, something comes alive within us. If we die to self, charity comes alive; if we die to pride, service comes alive; if we die to lust, reverence for personality comes alive; if we die to anger, love comes alive.