A Quote by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

To a valet no man is a hero.
[Ger., Es gibt fur den Kammerdiener keiner Helden.] — © Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
To a valet no man is a hero. [Ger., Es gibt fur den Kammerdiener keiner Helden.]
Care is taken that trees do not grow into the sky. [Ger., Es ist dafur gesorgt, dass die Baume nicht in den Himmel wachsen.]
Nobody, they say, is a hero to his valet. Of course; for a man must be a hero to understand a hero. The valet, I dare say, has great respect for some person of his own stamp.
No man is a hero to his valet. This is not because the hero is no hero, but because the valet is a valet.
It is said that no man is a hero to his valet. That is because a hero can be recognized only by a hero.
Wo die Liebe herrscht, da gibt es keinen machtwillen, und wo die macht den vorrang hat, da fehlt die Liebe. Das eine ist der Schatten des andern. Translation: Where love rules, there is no will to power; and where power predominates, there love is lacking. The one is the shadow of the other.
Man blindly works the will of fate. [Ger., Blindlings that er blos den Willen des Geschickes.]
Es binden Sklavenfesseln nur die H a« nde, Der Sinn, er macht den Freien und den Knecht. The chains of slavery can only bind the hands. The mind makes us either free or enslaved.
To a valet no man is a hero.
No man is a hero to his own valet.
No man is a hero to his valet de chamber
Neither art thou the man to catch the fiend and hold him! [Ger., Du bist noch nicht der Mann den Teufel festzuhalten.
A man must indeed be a hero to appear such in the eyes of his valet.
Man usually believes, if only words he hears, That also with them goes material for thinking. [Ger., Gewohnlich glaubt der Mensch, wenn er nur Worte hort, Es musse sich dabei doch auch was denken.]
Age childish makes, they say, but 'tis not true; We're only genuine children still in Age's season. [Ger., Das Alter macht nicht kindisch, wie man spricht, Es findet uns nur noch als wahre Kinder.]
The rabble also vent their rage in words. [Ger., Es macht das Volk sich auch mit Worten Lust.]
There is nothing more frightful than an active ignorance. [Ger., Es ist nichts schrecklicher als eine thatige Unwissenheit.]
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