A Quote by John Adams

My God! This is a revolution! We have to offend someone! — © John Adams
My God! This is a revolution! We have to offend someone!
If I wouldn't offend my religion or God, why would I want to offend an audience because in effect those people are being watched over by the same person.
This is a revolution, damnit! We're going to have to offend somebody!
This is a revolution, damn it! We're going to have to offend somebody!
I was a radical, a revolutionist. I am still a revolutionist…I am glad I was in the Stonewall riot. I remember when someone threw a Molotov cocktail, I thought, “My god, the revolution is here. The revolution is finally here!
This will be a revolution of inquiring further, of not worrying about winning other people's approval, of not wishing you were someone else but perfectly content to be who you are. Someone unique, and rare, and fearless. I want to start a revolution of love.
You will either offend the world and please God, or please the world and offend God.
A revolution is bloody. Revolution is hostile. Revolution knows no compromise. Revolution overturns and destroys everything that gets in its way.
Let what offends God offend me, and what God pardons, I pardon.
What you discover about people you try not to offend is that you can offend them without trying.
We should never intentionally offend, but if you follow Jesus, you will offend religious people.
It's OK to offend people with the Gospel, but, good grief- let's don't offend them with something else.
In prosperity, give thanks to God with humility and fear lest by pride you abuse God's benefits and so offend him.
Never offend people with style when you can offend them with substance.
The white man knows what a revolution is. He knows that the Black Revolution is worldwide in scope and in nature. The Black Revolution is sweeping Asia, is sweeping Africa, is rearing its head in Latin America. The Cuban Revolution - that's a revolution. They overturned the system. Revolution is in Asia, revolution is in Africa, and the white man is screaming because he sees revolution in Latin America. How do you think he'll react to you when you learn what a real revolution is?
A revolution is bloody. Revolution is hostile. Revolution knows no compromise. Revolution overturns and destroys everything that gets in its way. And you, sitting around here like a knot on the wall, saying, “I’m going to love these folks no matter how much they hate me.” No, you need a revolution. Whoever heard of a revolution where they lock arms, as Reverend Cleage was pointing out beautifully, singing “We Shall Overcome”? Just tell me. You don’t do that in a revolution. You don’t do any singing; you’re too busy swinging.
We are expected, somehow, not to offend anyone on our way to liberation. There's an absurd expectation that the women's movement must be the first revolution in history to accomplish its goals without hurting anyone's feelings.
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