A Quote by John Baldessari

Photos should suggest a word(s) and vice versa. They should be equal and interchangeable. — © John Baldessari
Photos should suggest a word(s) and vice versa. They should be equal and interchangeable.
When quarrels and complaints arise, it is when people who are equal have not got equal shares, or vice-versa.
Roles should choose an actor and not vice versa.
Man should rule with computers, not vice versa.
I think every actor should direct at least once and vice versa.
There should be change - the West should understand our music and culture, and vice versa. With such collaboration, artists can come closer to each other and come to know each other.
Over time, demand from Registry should help support the home product expansion initiative and vice-versa.
I think the gay community should get smart and drop the word marriage. Do you really need to change every right-wing Christian to make sure you get your equal rights? Eyes on the prize, we should be sticking to getting equal rights.
I think the gay community should get smart and drop the word 'marriage.' Do you really need to change every right-wing Christian to make sure you get your equal rights? Eyes on the prize, we should be sticking to getting equal rights.
When Roosevelt came along, I approved of his program, generally. I figured an economic system should work for people, not vice versa.
Every good mathematician should also be a good chess player and vice versa.
I want to get us out of a place where the veterans are chastising the new artists and vice versa. I think we should all just support each other.
Religion is a personal, private matter and parents, not public school officials, should decide their children's religious training. We should not have teacher-led prayers in public schools, and school officials should never favor one religion over another, or favor religion over no religion (or vice versa). I also believe that schools should not restrict students' religious liberties. The free exercise of faith is the fundamental right of every American, and that right doesn't stop at the schoolhouse door.
Yet man does recognise himself [as an animal]. But I ask you and the whole world for a generic differentia between man and ape which conforms to the principles of natural history, I certainly know of none... If I were to call man ape or vice versa, I should bring down all the theologians on my head. But perhaps I should still do it according to the rules of science.
I believe a great performer is someone who sounds just as great live as they do in the studio and vice versa. They should know how to work the stage.
My relationship to images is always in flux... Photos I think are great can turn out to be not so interesting five years later, and vice versa. I've learned there's no thing as a bad photo - every one is a personal record of a time and place.
Since there are thousands of fairy tales, one may safely guess that there are probably equal numbers where the courage and determination of females rescue males, and vice versa.
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