A Quote by John Bel Edwards

It is my obligation as the Governor of Louisiana to responsibly lead in developing and implementing best policies and practices across executive agencies so that state government operates in a manner worthy of the people of Louisiana.
The safety of our citizens is my top priority, and to that end, Louisiana needs our very best public servants working to implement innovative public safety measures across state agencies and throughout Louisiana.
As a father, husband of a schoolteacher and governor of Louisiana, I am committed to improving education for all children in Louisiana.
The crisis is not an opportunity to change the character of Louisiana's political order. We must not use the crisis to turn Louisiana into a red state -- this is a rainbow state.
We shot the first season of 'Hap and Leonard' towards the end of the summer in Louisiana, in and around Baton Rouge. If anyone's been to Louisiana or comes from Louisiana, they know what the weather's like down there at that time of year: it's unbearably hot for an Englishman.
Everything in Louisiana is about layers. There are layers of race, layers of class, layers of survival, layers of death, and layers of rebirth. To live with these layers is to be a true Louisianian. This state has a depth that is simultaneously beyond words and yet as natural as breathing. How can a place be both other-worldly and completely pedestrian is beyond me; however, Louisiana manages to do it. Louisiana is spooky that way.
The Saints are Louisiana's team and have been since the late '60s when my predecessor Pete Rozelle welcomed them to the league as New Orleans' team and Louisiana's team. Our focus continues to be on having the Saints in Louisiana.
In my home State of Louisiana, several institutions of higher education have been impacted by both Hurricanes Katrina and Rita, literally dozens across the entire State.
Louisiana has a heritage of great players that play their high school football within the boundaries of Louisiana.
You're from Louisiana - you're playing for Louisiana, man. You get so much love from everybody, especially from New Orleans, my city. Everywhere I go, they're rooting for me.
Shipbuilding has been an important industry in Louisiana for generations, and the armed forces of the United States have long relied on the talents of Louisiana's shipyard workforce.
In all my stories and novels, no one ever escapes Louisiana. Maybe that is because my soul never left Louisiana, although my body did go to California.
Louisiana's coast is disappearing at an alarming rate, but we cannot ignore the important role the offshore energy industry plays in breathing life into Louisiana's economy.
You never know. It started with me in Louisiana when I won Louisiana and I got fewer delegates than Ted Cruz. I win a state, I get fewer votes. Then, I poll great in Colorado and all of a sudden .?.?. the voters aren't going to choose. The bosses are going to choose. Anything is possible.
We often say that we value Louisiana families, but the lack of state policies that ensure families are supported in meaningful ways suggests otherwise.
Louisiana's spicy, colorful politics have saddled our state with a reputation for tolerating lax ethical standards in government.
When we are talking about services that literally mean the difference between life or death and the future financial stability of our state, we should be working in a collaborative manner with a common goal - to make sure the people of Louisiana are cared for in the most efficient way possible.
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