A Quote by John C. Maxwell

If you wait until you feel like doing something, you will likely never accomplish it. — © John C. Maxwell
If you wait until you feel like doing something, you will likely never accomplish it.
Don't wait until you feel like taking positive action. Take the action and then you will feel like doing it.
Who says you need to wait until you 'feel like' doing something in order to start doing it? The problem, from this perspective, isn't that you don't feel motivated; it's that you imagine you need to feel motivated. If you can regard your thoughts and emotions about whatever you're procrastinating on as passing weather, you'll realise that your reluctance about working isn't something that needs to be eradicated or transformed into positivity. You can coexist with it. You can note the procrastinatory feelings and act anyway.
Don't wait to forgive until you feel like forgiving; you will never get there. Feelings take time to heal after the choice to forgive is made.
When you are doing a piece you are with it. You don't want to wait until next week, when experience will have given you something else.
If you wait until circumstances justify your thinking pleasant thoughts, you are likely to wait forever.
If you wait until your motives are pure and unselfish before you do something, you will wait forever.
We can't wait until everything is OK-with us or with the rest of the world-to feel thankful, or we will never experience joy at all.
if I wait to be perfect before I love myself I will always be unsatisfied and ungrateful if I wait until all the flaws, chips, and cracks disappear I will be the cup that stands on the shelf and is never used
I guess I feel like; if you're doing something and people are accusing you of appropriating something like that so obviously, then I would feel like I've failed as a creative person. It's just like stealing something and doing some sort of slight alteration to it - I'd feel like I'm not doing my job as a musician, or as a creative person - if it's just obvious like that.
I always told myself never to have a plan B - I feel like that's also one of the reasons I'm doing what I'm doing now, because I just never really rested until I got here.
Do not wait for enough time or money to accomplish what you think you have in mind. Work with what you have right now. Work with the people around you right now…. Do not wait for what you assume is the appropriate, stress-free environment in which to generate expression…. Do not wait till you are sure that you know what you are doing…. What you do now, what you make of your present circumstances, will determine the quality and scope of your future endeavors.
Sometimes I catch myself doing something that I've already done. The more I've done, the more that's likely to happen. Then I just throw it away. I wait until I've got the right way of getting a thing done, which means my songwriting proceeds at a very slow pace. But it's the only way I can really work.
You can't always say and do things and wait until the right moment, when everything is perfectly lined up. As women, I feel like we do that. I just see so many women take the back seat and wait until the right opportunity, and when you do that, you miss out on the best things.
One of the strongest signs of being in the zone is a sense of freedom and of authenticity. When we are doing something that we love and are naturally good at, we are much more likely to feel centered in our true sense of self - to be who we feel we truly are. When we are in our Element, we feel we are doing what we are meant to be doing and being who we're meant to be.
I fantasized doing something like 'Wait, Wait.'
Every time I do a talk show or something, I'll be like, 'I'm doing 'Chandelier,' right?' and they're like, 'No, you're doing a skit and three dances.' It's different every time. I never really know what I'm doing until the day before.
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