A Quote by John Connolly

Being scared isn't the problem. It's not running away that's the hard part. — © John Connolly
Being scared isn't the problem. It's not running away that's the hard part.
Running away was easy; not knowing what to do next was the hard part.
I could have been banned. That's what I was most scared about. All the hard work being for nothing. It was basically my livelihood and my sport being taken away from me. It was everything.
If you want to know what being Canadian is, it's being part of the human race, allowing yourself to be vulnerable, which has been scared off, warded away, girded against.
The hardest part of it was really being away from my family - I have two small children. Last year I took over 20 business trips, so being away from them was hard.
Being scared is really a good thing. It's being scared of being scared that's bad. Being scared of walking through your fear, going to a place of true creativity - that's what an artist is, that's what he does. If you do that, then being inspired by your contemporaries or people from the past is really great.
I didn't have any idea of what I was getting into by going away to college. And I was scared. I was scared of failing. I was scared of it not being for me because I was going to be one of the first people in my family to go off to college.
Running away from fear is fear; fighting pain is pain; trying to be brave is being scared
We should love the fact that we're not just getting one point of view. That we have this diversity in entertainment, and people are not scared to be themselves, and people are not scared to make people uncomfortable, and that's all part of it. That's all part of being free.
Being brave doesn't mean you aren't scared. Being brave means you are scared, really scared, badly scared, and you do the right thing anyway.
No hard guy's not scared when another hard guy's knife is coming at you. You're scared, obviously, but you've to act less scared than he is. It's who is going to act less scared.
I’m not running away from my responsibilities. I’m running to them. There’s nothing negative about running away to save my life.
If you keep running away every time you are scared, then you will do nothing but hide your entire life. Is that really, how a person should live their life? The only way you can get over this fear is by fighting. No matter how scared or afraid you are, you cannot win without fighting.
I'm a big fan of being scared I like being scared. I like being involved in a film that will make audiences scared, that intrigues me.
I know what the intimidation level of high school is. You're on a hamster wheel, running, running, running, trying so hard to fit in. It's all about how you deal with what you're given, feeling OK with being the odd man out before you're finally successful.
I dont know if im running because i'm scared or if i'm scared because i'm running.
I don't think I ever would have had a problem being vulnerable or introspective but the problem with drinking is it's very hard to zero in on one part. You're not dealing with anything in real time, you're constantly moving and constantly going. You're drinking to get away from things, things your dealing with. My wife might be calling me trying to argue and I don't wanna deal with it so I just go drink and by the time we talk again I'm so drunk I just don't care. I'll just deal with it however.
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