A Quote by John Densmore

People forget that public people and celebrities, they too have to go to the bathroom and get divorced. — © John Densmore
People forget that public people and celebrities, they too have to go to the bathroom and get divorced.
People have always been fascinated by people in the public eye and what they wear, what they are doing, but not in a tabloid way. Tabloid celebrities are a turnoff. A lot of celebrities...you wonder why they are celebrities.
Some people may look at you almost like a fantasy at times, you know; some people don't think you're real. Because people forget that celebrities are humans too, sometimes.
Don't get divorced after your first argument! I have a lot of friends that have one fight and that's it, they get divorced. I go, 'Wait a minute! Oh my gosh, you guys! Calm down! You'll forget in three days what you were fighting about. I promise. So just let it marinate a little bit-that's my best love advice.
I think people tend to forget that as celebrities we are still human. We have the same emotions - we cry, we have fun, we laugh, we get sad, and we get hurt. When something is written about you, which millions of people are reading, and it is not true, imagine how hurtful it can be.
People tend to forget that celebrities are human beings. We live our lives. We try to do what we love, which is music. And to share it with everyone in our job usually is to entertain and to make people forget their troubles.
Do you know that people fall in love in war and go to school and go to factories and hospitals and get divorced and go dancing and go playing and live life?
I believe the best in people. I believe if you need a bathroom break you go to the bathroom. If you need treatment, you get treatment. I don't think any rules should be changed.
Sometime you go out and you wonder why these people are standing in the rain, and then you realize that years ago you were a fan, too. I, too, was chased by cops for watching my favourite celebrities.
I sat with five of the "Mothers of the Movement." Of course I'm hyping the show, but I keep telling everybody this part is not hype. After a while particularly in the case of Sybrina Fulton, they've become celebrities and people forget that they've become celebrities because of the death, the murder of their child. So I wanted people to see the burning desire for these women to live their child's legacy, to not let their child have died in vain, so they're fighting to stop the violence.
We're very specific when we're drawing work plans. We think about the chances of when a person gets off the elevator where they will go. We think about how people get to a coffee machine, when they go and get their lunch, when they go to the bathroom.
Too many younger people seem to prefer following celebrities instead of doing the work required to get an education that will someday lead to a job. If students today spent as much time on math and science and history as they do following these shallow celebrities, they might actually become contributors to society someday.
People say a lot of mess about celebrities. In the social media world, celebrities are able to go online and see nice things and horrible things written about them - but these people on the Internet wouldn't have the guts to say it to their face.
My parents got divorced for the same reason that most people's parents get divorced: the relationship had stopped working. I was about 12 or 13.
A politician is not allowed to get too emotional in public, so what he does is drop subtle hints that, over time, cause the public to get emotional. Once the same emotions are generated by enough people, the politician can use it to steer the public in his desired direction. Fear is an emotion that is often used this way. A smart politician knows that if he can create fear in enough people, those people will give up what they truly want in order to give the politician what he says they need.
Unfortunately, it's the new normal to get divorced - and divorced with children is its own soil rich with land mines. There's a lot of comedy but a lot of heartache, too.
People think that celebrities are this untouchable thing, and they forget that we're people with emotions and feelings. They don't realize that it affects us when they comment on pictures on Instagram or Twitter, saying mean things, just as it would affect anybody.
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