A Quote by John Fetterman

If you've seen the 'Shawshank Redemption' and if you think Morgan Freeman's character should have died in prison, vote for the other person. And if you think, and you believe in redemption, and a second chance, you know, I'm your candidate.
It is not about the money. It's the public service aspect. Absolutely, I think it has qualities of redemption. The city gets a second chance. I get a second chance.
You know 'The Shawshank Redemption?' I've seen that movie, like, 30 times or something. 'Dirty Harry,' too - I love that movie.
I'm finding, as I get older, that I'm not much of a believer in redemption. I mean, I believe in redemption in real life - redemption does happen, and it's cool when it does - but I find myself getting leery of my desire for it in stories (especially my own).
You're not allowed to write about me if you haven't seen 'The Shawshank Redemption.' See it and then get back to me.
In 1994, nobody could have predicted 'Shawshank' would one day be an iconic movie - and believe me, that would never have happened if Danny Glover had been Red instead of Morgan Freeman.
Paula Deen is a human being. She deserves forgiveness and a chance at redemption as much as anyone else. America is about redemption.
What we do have is nothin' but time. Welcome to the Shawshank Redemption of late night!
I'm opposed to the death penalty not because I think it's unconstitutional per se-although I think it's been applied in ways that are unconstitutional-but it really is a moral view, and that is that the taking of life is not the way to handle even the most significant of crimes...Who amongst anyone is not above redemption? I think we have to be careful in executing final judgment. The one thing my faith teaches me-I don't get to play God. I think you are short-cutting the whole process of redemption...I don't want to be the person that stops that process from taking place.
In the Bible, we have the facts and history of man's redemption. Incidentally or essentially, other worlds and other beings are brought prominently on the stage of redemption purposes and plans.
You want this so badly—this second chance, this chance at real redemption—that you can’t see the truth.
I just like stories about redemption about getting a second chance at life, I think everyone in the world has a few major mistakes they've made in there lives and if they could just go back and correct it... but, unfortunately they don't get a chance usually it's almost impossible.
You don't try to do anything that Morgan Freeman does. He was the voice of God in a movie. That's Morgan Freeman!
I really believe that anybody on the Left or the Right that tries to invoke the teachings of Jesus to say they should vote for this candidate or that candidate, I think they're stretching Scripture.
Not only is holiness the goal of your redemption, it is necessary for your redemption
If one candidate is appealing to your fears, and the other one's appealing to your hopes, you’d better vote for the person who wants you to think and hope!
Growing up, my favorite movies were 'Forrest Gump,' 'Shawshank Redemption,' 'Gladiator' - none of them really had Asian leading men.
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