A Quote by John Goddard

Some people wait so long for their ship to come in, their pier collapses. — © John Goddard
Some people wait so long for their ship to come in, their pier collapses.

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If we wait for the needy to walk through our church doors, we may wait a long time. God doesn't wait for people to come to Him. He goes to them.
Why wait for your ship to come in when you are already on it?
Don't wait for your ship to come in, swim out to it.
Don't wait for your ship to come in. Swim out to it.
When you can't wait for your ship to come in, you've got to row out to it.
It is foolish to wait for your ship to come in unless you have sent one out.
Life is like a ship. There's people dancing on a ship.There's a lot of money on the ship, but I cannot integrate on the ship or get equality on the ship.And I never could. I'm just in the galley working and I never could get up to see the captain of the ship.
Don't wait for your ship to come in, swim out and meet the bloody thing.
There is so much to sailing a ship. There's about a thousand different lines on a brig ship, and knowing what each one of those does, it takes a long time, and that's why you have these cabin boys that start on the ship, and they learn throughout the years, and that's why it takes so long to captain one.
Long ago, men went to sea, and women waited for them, standing on the edge of the water, scanning the horizon for the tiny ship. Now I wait for Henry. He vanishes unwillingly, without warning. I wait for him. Each moment that I wait feels like a year, an eternity. Each moment is as slow and transparent as glass. Through each moment I can see infinite moments lined up, waiting. Why has he gone where I cannot follow?
Wait, wait, wait, wait. Don't try to write through it, to force it. Many do, but that won't work. Just wait, it will come.
Some people just look at opportunities and say, 'Maybe something better might come along; let's wait and see.' But you don't wait. You just grab it and go after it.
Don't wait till you're older, or in some better job than you have now. Don't wait for anything. Don't wait till some magical...idea drops into your lap. That's not where ideas come from. Go looking for an idea and it'll show up. Begin now.
do you fix a wheel that isn't broken, or do you wait until the cart collapses?
I think everybody's a groupie for something. I mean, women used to stand on seaports and wait for the guys to come in on ships. They were ship groupies.
The long nights that Pier Giorgio Frassati spent on his knees in front of the Blessed Sacrament had something to do with the long days spent in service of the poor.
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